Anonymous ID: 76c004 Aug. 16, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.2629968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0007

A number of anons getting lost in the weeds of all of the info being dropped. Interesting digs…


Majority of human and sex trade - Red Cross>Vatican>Market


Ancient Babylonian mysticism/symbolism within the Vatican. (Satan's mafia)


Research everything to do w the Jesuits and Knights of Malta.


Research the Vatican's relationship w the UN


Research the Vatican's relationship w Israel/Temple Mount


Research protected Vatican bloodlines, still protected and running things today.


Research a man referred to as Nimrod at length. Follow his cult to today. Cannibalism, Human sacrifice, Sex Magic(cum-guzzlers, can't make this shit up).


Research the Golden Dawn and it's relationship to Alister Crowley. Rsch what he did with their teachings and the creation of Ordo Templo Orientis. He was in every royal circle on the planet. Esp the Vatican protected bloodlines. Alot to dig here.


You may not believe in a spiritual realm but by the end of your research you will come to the definitive conclusion that they do. What they do to appease and please their God can't be explained with words. You truly need to research for yourself. Quit asking simple minded questions before putting the time in, it won't work anyway, you won't believe what you hear. Again, put the time in.