Comey signed the FISA
Bill Richardson was with Eric Schmidt during his trip to NK. Could the real connection be with Bill Richardson and Snowden, not ES and Snowden?
Oh Bill Richardson has TONS of scandals to run through including pay for plays, grand jury sex scandal, . He was with ES in NK.
"former Clinton Energy Secretary Bill Richardson . Richardson will served as Obama’s Secretary of Commerce."
Richardson was the Secretary of Energy at the time nuclear secrets were stolen from the Los Alamos Laboratory and possibly transferred to the Communist Chinese. Judicial Watch client Notra Trulock, the DOE Director of Intelligence who uncovered this serious breach of national security, was subjected to a massive smear campaign by Clinton officials in retaliation, led by Bill Richardson. Trulock was demoted and ultimately forced out of the agency. (Judicial Watch deposed Richardson in litigation on behalf of Trulock.)
(Richardson was roundly criticized for his mishandling of the Los Alamos fiasco, but that didn’t stop him from publishing a book entitled, Leading by Example: How We Can Inspire an Energy and Security Revolution.)
While serving as Clinton’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Richardson also narrowly escaped prosecution for his alleged participation in the attempted Monica Lewinsky cover-up. Richardson met with Lewinsky on several occasions in her Watergate condo and offered her a job at the UN. This was an attempt to keep Lewinsky quiet about the affair. In fact, Richardson apparently lied during his Secretary of Energy confirmation hearings when he said he offered a job to Lewinsky to fill an "existing opening." Evidence suggests there was no such job.
Still, Richardson was confirmed and, following the Clinton administration, was elected Governor of New Mexico."
From 2013 "The United States is engaging in an all-out diplomatic push to try to block former contractor of US spy agencies, Edward Snowden, from finding refuge in Latin America, where three governments have publicly pledged to grant him asylum, The New York Times reported. …. The development comes as US Vice President Joseph Biden took the unusual step of calling Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa to urge him against granting asylum to Snowden., …. “Our influence in the hemisphere is diminishing,” said Bill Richardson, a former American ambassador to the United Nations who visited Venezuela this year (back in 2013) as a representative of the Organization of American States."