Anonymous ID: 1ee475 Aug. 16, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.2631055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114 >>1162 >>1364

>>2627190 (pb)


I usually keep this kind of stuff to myself this inspired me to share.


The entire observable universe is not unlike a quality analog clock. It works mechanically (as I can most clearly distill into a word).

>Everything is connected

As the various parts of a clock spin and interconnect and "keep the time", so does the universe.

I'm under a vague intuition that "null/reset" position may be coming (but considering the timescale maybe not in this lifetime).


Observations for those on paths similar to mine:


All materiality is a manifested representation of an underlying energy or energetic process. I include behavior in this category. Behavior is guided by consciousness.

The greatest point of contention (re: consciousness) that I have come across in my time here has been the direction of the flow of the cause/effect relationship between the chemical and electrical processes of the brain and the experience of consciousness. With this stated, I would like to introduce a distinction I make here on a personal level. I consider consciousness itself to differ from what I call biological consciousness. Biological consciousness is the experience of having a vessel (a living body). It is intrinsically linked to the processes of the brain, and thus can be affected by chemical and electrical stimuli (Think pharma). However, I believe that the understood mechanisms by which the body operates are results of underlying energetic processes of true consciousness. 'The mind of God'.

I believe that the mind (our individual minds)(or described as thought itself) is a quantum function that the brain is tuned into like a radio. True consciousness as I define it is the relationship between any measurable phenomena and the implications those phenomena represent. This relationship is specifically the act of awareness. The inference itself that leads to intentional activity of any context (from micro to macro). Body not required. Non-locality.


I ask myself on occasion: What then, is the full extent of material existence that is guided by consciousness? Does a planet experience it's own form of consciousness? Could then a solar system be defined as a "living" being made up of it's individual parts? A galaxy? The universe? It's all God, right?

Anonymous ID: 1ee475 Aug. 16, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.2631308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1364



I've been seeking something like this to back me up for quite some time. Next to many that can follow these conversations when I find them, I'm comparatively uneducated. ~9 years of primary school. I am also not very knowledgeable of how to acquire such documents. Good read. Thank you, Anon.

Anonymous ID: 1ee475 Aug. 16, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.2631441   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No non-semantic disagreement with you on my end. I bring up your point of dying alone with some degree of conviction when the subject of mortality comes up. Doesn't matter if others share that "fate" in the same room. It's an individual experience; even if you get to hold hands while having it.

Anonymous ID: 1ee475 Aug. 16, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.2631558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700



Thanks and much love.


Wasn't raggin on myself there. I should clarify that I intensely believe that


Educated =/= Intelligent

and vice versa


I am blessed and deeply appreciative of it