Anonymous ID: c18368 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL? Aug. 16, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.2631567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1594 >>1625

I fail to see any evidence of this in the real world. On the contrary, I see more and more deplatforming of patriots and truthtellers.


Q, if you're so fucking powerful, why have your team not whispered in @jack's ear?


The echo-chamber continues to shrink around us.


Why are we going back over the Vanderbilts again? We've already been there, done that.


If MILITARY operators were truly in control, we'd see results in the real world.


Early on, I felt that a large portion of this project was propaganda - getting out alternative information. It continues to be an echo-chamber and that echo-chamber is shrinking.


Without results in the real world and the exhortation to "trust the plan", the result will be thousands of people disappointed that they've fallen into a wishing well.


I've already pulled ALL of my Q content. I'm not going down with this ship.


Time for you to put up or shut up.