Anonymous ID: d57c6c Aug. 16, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.2631169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1277 >>1300


You probably won't see this and I know your busy saving the world but I'm very upset and want to vent


I'm 51, masters degree, 6 hours from PhD, health related field, worked my whole life, when my health went south (downhill) I had two jobs. I worked with elderly mostly

I had severe head injury, then dx with MS and brain lesions.

I have difficulty w executive functions at times, difficulty speaking & walking.

I applied for SS disability March 2017 (Injury was in 2016, I continued to try to work)

I didn't get attorney b/c I felt the facts demonstrated everything & didn't need one.

It was denied a whole year after filing!

I filed for reconsideration, again no attorney, I just now received denial.

The gov gives SS to so many that don't deserve it, I know, they were my patients

The gov has made it so those that hire crooked greedy attorneys are the only ones that receive disability.

I'm crying, I just don't know how much more I can take