Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.2631710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1939 >>2161





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Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.2631722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1973

The new tyranny of the Left: No conservative is allowed to order food at a restaurant, run an e-commerce platform or speak online


At some point over the past several years, the American Left assumed the authority to make all of society’s rules concerning how we can and cannot behave, what we can and cannot say, who we can and cannot support, and what we can and cannot do.


Any ‘violation’ of the tyrannical Left’s established protocols or any wavering outside the Left’s social, political, and cultural groupthink is met with severe ostracization, demonization, and – increasingly – physical punishment.


This authoritarianism has been on full display for quite some time, but it’s been in hyper drive since POTUS Donald Trump smashed all predictions and handily defeated the most corrupt presidential contender to ever seek the Oval Office, Hillary Clinton.


The Left has never accepted Trump’s victory and as such has sought to punish as many of his supporters as possible. The latest episode occurred recently at a restaurant in Texas, where Leftists were triggered after Attorney General Jeff Sessions stopped in for a bite – and the owner dared to thank the AG for dropping by.


A popular Tex-Mex restaurant in Houston is facing backlash after it posted a photo of [Sessions] who has pushed for a wide crackdown on immigration.


El Tiempo Cantina was targeted by hundreds of tweets and Facebook posts after Roland Laurenzo, president of the company that operates the chain, posted a photo…with Sessions. The photo caption said it was an “honor” to serve Sessions, who delivered a speech in Houston that day.


The report went on to note that Sessions’ visit – and Laurenzo’s approving post – offended Leftists opposed to policies like enforcing immigration laws, border security, border integrity, and ensuring that people who come to America legally stay at the head of the migration line.


The lesson is this: If you’re conservative or a supporter of POTUS Trump (whose policies are turning out to be to the right of Ronald Reagan), then you’re not permitted to freely participate in society.

The Left is destroying our unspoken social contract


Conservatives can’t have a meal without being harassed. We’re not permitted to show any affection or approval at all for Trump via the donning of a pro-Trump article of clothing, lest it be ripped from our body and we are summarily pummeled. We’re not permitted to say or point out anything positive about the president or his administration, no matter how much truth our statements contain without being shouted down or, in the case of Alex Jones and Infowars, deplatformed, censored, silenced, banned from existence. (Related: Will the next civil war begin in Portland? Antifa thugs discuss direct armed confrontation during upcoming free speech rally.)


While AG Sessions, in the view of many, made a horrible error in judgment when he recused himself from all things “Russia” shortly after being confirmed to his post by the Senate, he’s otherwise been a good and loyal subject to the president and to all of the American people – even those who disagree with him and POTUS on policy.


His presence at a restaurant in Houston and the chain’s owner relishing the opportunity to serve him not only shouldn’t be ‘newsworthy’ but should also not merit the imbecilic, immature response of the Left-wing masses who, by the way, are able to freely associate with and support whomever they choose in a hassle-free environment. For the most part, Trump supporters are max attentive and supportive of all forms of life in a free society and don’t seek to curb someone else’s behavior or actions simply because we disagree with their viewpoints.


The Left’s destruction of the unspoken social contract we all have to abide by and support in order to maintain a free and functioning society for all citizens is continuing apace. If we continue down this same path, there will come a day when the contract is so damaged it cannot be reinstated without violence. And they will have pushed the country to that point.

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2631765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1775 >>2174

Oklahoma - Parents Accused of Bullying Trans Student for Using Girls’ Bathroom


Back to school spirit for the nation was unexpectedly cut short for one school in Achille, Oklahoma as classes were canceled following death threats against a transgender student.


The trouble started when a 12-year-old transgender student from Achille Public School used the girls' restroom. After the incident, the student nicknamed “Maddie” received threats and was bullied.


Strangely, school officials claim that the bullying did not come from Maddie’s fellow students but from their parents who posted threatening comments online.


Maddie’s mother, Brandy Rose, shared that her child had been using the staff restroom in the school for the past two years. This new school year, however, Maddie started classes in a new building. He didn’t know where the staff restroom was located so the transgender student used the girls' restroom instead. The move paved the way for angry comments online from offended parents.


The comments appeared on a private Facebook group page named Achille ISD Parent Group. School superintendent Rick Beene said the page is not affiliated with the school “in an official capacity.”


Someone started the chat with the message: “Heads-up parents of 5th thru 7th-grade girls. The transgender is already using the girls' bathroom. We have been told how the school has gone above and beyond to make sure he has his own restroom yet he is still using the girls. REALLY. Looks like it’s gonna be a long year. We have made school board meetings over this situation last year but nothing seems to be changing. This is the same kid that got an trouble (sic) as soon as he transferred two years ago for looking over the stalls in the girls bathroom. Enough is enough.”


Then messages of support for the call followed, as well as condemnation of the school to allow the transgender student to use the girls’ bathroom.


One comment read: “This is terrible!! Y’ all have great kids and a lil half-baked maggot is causing them probs. We feel 4 y'all.”


Another didn’t mince words: “If he wants to be a female make him a female. A good sharp knife will do the job real quick.”


One wanted to know: “Why are parents letting their kids be transgender?”


Then another message encouraged the transgender to “learn his lesson.” It said: “’Just tell the kids to kick ass in the bathroom and it won’t want to come back!!”


Rose said her kid already suffered bullying from his previous school, then coming from classmates. She said it was a major reason why they transferred to his current school in the hopes of starting anew. She said she feels bad that it’s now the parents, and not the students, who are leading the bullying against her transgender child.


She accused a couple from the school she already had a previous altercation with for bullying her child as the same people who initiated the posts. The posts have since been deleted.


Rose also claimed the uproar has made her child very afraid. She shared: “Even when Maddie returned home she was too scared to sleep alone, she slept with us for a few nights.”


Beene stressed that the school has “zero tolerance for bullying” and that their priority “is to ensure all kids feel safe in their school environment.”


Classes have since resumed. Officials said the police are still investigating to determine if there is a reason to file charges including potential verbal assault charges against those who may have bullied Maddie.


Rose said Maddie is doing “much better now” from all the love she’s been shown.


It is not clear how the school, however, wishes to proceed with the restroom policy, and if it will take into consideration all feelings and sentiments fairly, including the legitimate discomfort of some parents and students in having a transgender use the girls’ bathroom.


While bullying is condemned in every way, it remains to be seen whether all perspectives and beliefs will be given the same weight and consideration for a just resolution to the matter.



Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.2631905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2149 >>2411



SARC receives mobile hospital and two ambulances from China

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) received on Thursday a mobile hospital and two ambulances provided by the Red Cross Society of China.


The hospital, which is the first of its kind, includes a gynecology clinic, internal clinic, a laboratory and a radiography room.


New archeological findings at Great Church site in Sweida dating back to classical eras

The recent archeological excavations by the national expedition at Sweida Antiquities Department, which is currently working at the site of the Great Church in Sweida Old City, have unearthed a number of archeological findings which date back to the classical eras.


Damascus International Fair to receive visitors from September 7 till 15

Damascus International Fair will receive the visitors starting from September 7 until 15, 2018, according to Director of the General Establishment for Exhibitions and International Markets Fares Kartli.


Russian-Backed 5th Assault Corps Arrive In Northern Hama


Syrian Army Artillery Shells Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Positions In Hama And Idlib

The SAA has been shelling the positions of HTS, the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and Jaysh al-Izza in the northern Hama countryside and the southern Idlib countryside for more than a week now.


Speaker Sabbagh: Syria will continue eliminating terrorism in conjunction with reconciliation

The Speaker said that Syria will continue eliminating terrorists’ remnants in parallel with continuing to achieve local reconciliation and launching the reconstruction phase.


In turn, head of the delegation expressed the solidarity of the Mauritanian people with the Syrians since the beginning of the crisis.


Map Update: Syrian Troops Tighten Siege On ISIS Cells In Safa Area

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.2631936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Midterm Meddling: Twitter Follows Facebook, Blacklists GOP Candidate’s Family Story

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.2632003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2065 >>2149 >>2411

SEC Is Probing If Musk Tweeted About Tesla Deal To "Crush The Shorts"


With every passing day, it is becoming increasingly likely that Musk's "funding secured" tweet could end up the costliest in history, and could potentially land him, or others, in prison.


Last week, before it was confirmed that the SEC had opened a probe into Tesla, by sending the company a subpoena inquiring into Musk's actions, we wrote that "the biggest risk for Musk is if regulators find that he made a statement only intending to goose his company’s share price, or as he likes to put it, "crush the shorts."


Under US securities law, companies and corporate officers can (and will) be held liable for making misstatements or omitting information that shareholders need to make informed investment decisions."


It now appears that the SEC is also wondering the same thing, because the WSJ reports that the SEC is now investigating whether Musk "intentionally misled investors when he tweeted about the proposal in a bid to hurt short sellers by driving up Tesla’s stock price."


The line of inquiry comes as the regulator is pressing Tesla directors for details on how much information Musk shared with them before he tweeted last week about a potential deal to take the company private, the WSJ reports citing a person familiar with the matter.


And, as has been extensively discussed here in the past week, establishing what the board knew and when is key to the SEC’s probe because if Musk didn’t show the board a relatively firm deal with potential investors, it could indicate that the conversations weren’t as far along as he suggested when he tweeted that he had “funding secured” for a deal.


It would also confirm that Musk's only intention was to, indeed, "crush the shorts", however by manipulating public perception about what was already decided.


And since we already know that Musk did not have a firm deal in place, and funding was certainly not "secured", it is up to the SEC to demonstrate that there are no individuals who are "too eccentric to prosecute" for the simple reason that anyone who intentionally misleads shareholders - even Elon Musk - can be charged with fraud under U.S. securities laws.


On the other hands, if Musk can show he had a basis to make the statement—such as advanced talks with the Saudi fund or a promise from them to fund the deal—regulators would be less likely to allege that his statement was misleading or false.


Then again if Musk elaborate on that statement, he already would have, which is why TSLA is now trading below where it was when the Saudis announced their 5% stake.

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.2632032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2055

Matthew 18:6


"If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.2632061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Isaiah 5:20


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.2632315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Virgin Islands Senator Convicted of Wire Fraud and Theft of Federal Program Funds

Anonymous ID: 2fdd1b Aug. 16, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.2632458   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do we have a Spanish speaking Anon who can dig this guy?


Armando Martin Dueñas


He makes the red shoes for the pope


See if you can find a client list and more?