You are exactly right!!! They have instead perverted the true word of God.
This is a grievance that God will deal with soon.
The catholic religion is based on lies of men only. The entire structure needs to come down and people need to OPEN THEIR BIBLES AND LEARN FOR THEMSELVES WHAT GOD SAYS.
Honestly, sorry for the caps, but how do you get through to people???
We are so ready and willing to spend days upon days upon months of our lives READING EVERY THING UNDER THE SUN, BUT THE WORD OF GOD. The only truth out there, really. We take everything we read and dissect it so carefully, from articles to tweets, but when it comes to the ACTUAL GOD BREATHED WORD, well, lets just allow someone else to tell us what it means.
The lie that "God is a mysterious" God, is not true. Read the Epistles!!!!!! They are DIRECTLY addressed to (YOU)!!!!
Please God, for your sakes, get saved and understand - gain wisdom and knowledge from - the word of God.