I read some of the articles Q linked to in post #166 and this one from Salon appears to be requesting that the government tell the people the truth about the JFK assassination:
"The belief that Kennedy was killed by his enemies was not created by “conspiracy theorists” or Oliver Stone of the KGB. It was created by the circumstances of the crime and the assassination of Oswald.The belief in conspiracy was nurtured by the factual revelations that followed: The investigations of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the late 1960s, the Church Committee investigation of 1975, the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, and the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s. The vastly expanded historical record of JFK’s murder undermines the Warren Commission’s findings and destroys the CIA’s cover stories. While we still don’t have a good explanation of who killed Kennedy, we do know the available facts do not corroborate the official theory. As long as the government and major media organizations deny the JFK facts, they give credibility to those who cultivate pernicious fantasies."
Maybe the public is more ready for the truth than Q thinks they are.