Really SAD to see praying medic do an interview with this clown during a time when Q has never had more visibility. He claims he has people hes worked with who use a part of their souls to jumpgate to the moon and mars and claims he has inside info on all of this "Secret Space" crap. Honestly guys, secret space is becoming one of the biggest red flags. You don't have to be a flat-earther, but if you question the MSM/government out of one corner of your mouth, and totally trust NASA out of the other, you have serious issues. Wake up guys.
Praying Medic did a great job introducing Q to newbs in his typical fashion, and then homeboy over here goes full on stephen greet/ancient aliens.
Go hang out with Hilary and Podesta if you want to talk about aliens, dipshit.
Can't trust any of these youtube guys, man.
One by one these youtube guys…