great article - everything they say is fake is true…. interesting that they think Soros son is photoshopped into picture
great article - everything they say is fake is true…. interesting that they think Soros son is photoshopped into picture
>>2632125 Andrew Kauders
Kos says it's shopped - but everything else is a lie….
One of the people that photographed with at Podesta's red shoe birthday party is Kathleen Sebelius - this video is a little long, but WOW - it exposes everything - and it's a little old - so almost all of it has already been proven - watch when you have time - it's really good
It's about Anita Moncrief - ACORN whistleblower - but she names names -and Kathleen Sebelius is one of them
Kathleen Sebelius
did not say it was shopped - KOS SAYS IT'S SHOPPPED - Re-READ what I wrote
AZAZ0909 IS BACK…. also have two call signs UPSET