No, your wrong . The comped clown baker hit and run guy did that to screw the bread up. I worked very hard and did not see the dough was messed up till post bake . I can see how you would think that but your fake news today bubby.
No, your wrong . The comped clown baker hit and run guy did that to screw the bread up. I worked very hard and did not see the dough was messed up till post bake . I can see how you would think that but your fake news today bubby.
Now this photo it does not look like matt demon . Guy could be a stunt double tho .
Oh they are showing off there shoes huh? WOW talk about fucking comped to the max! SCUM !! Hang these faggots.
I saw that in the second photo posted higher res and it DOES look like him many have said that not just me. But Il give you the win Your rite im wrong , now carry on .
Yea I was trying to tell Anon's about Arden Delaware last night and the cult house . Too much going on though. Notice Trump spoke in Delaware Ohio the other week. Hmm.
Il take a guess…