Anonymous ID: 5bc433 Aug. 16, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.2633780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848


I've helped pack up and walk many to the elevator

sad that you were treated like scum

all but one gave me a hug, shook my hand

he was very angry - not at me

everyone thanked me

watching someone pack up their office

informing them, "Sorry you can't send an email. I'll speak with IT to get your personal emails/files for you"

is the hardest part about layoffs, firings

done it all

who goes

write it up

tell them

pack em up/ship them out


Yes, why anyone in government needs clearance after door hits them in the backside

is beyond me

makes no f sense


Every day, I'm grateful Trump won.

Every day, winning.

I had no idea the level of corruption.


Thought I was awake.
