Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.2633280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Verifies Sarah Jeong Without Making Her Delete Racist Posts

Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:49 p.m. No.2633323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter's Dorsey: I Want To Reduce 'Echo Chambers' By Controlling What You See



In an interview with The Washington Post this week, Twitter head Jack Dorsey talked about the supposed issues facing Twitter. No, not the lack of an edit button, or the inconsistent policing of threatening content: how best to manipulate users’ access to information. He explained that he wanted to reduce “echo chambers” on the platform. Dorsey stated, “The most important thing that we can do is we look at the incentives that we’re building into our product. Because they do express a point of view of what we want people to do — and I don’t think they are correct anymore.”


This sort of “nudging” is a favored tactic among Leftist policy makers. Taking their lead from Cass Sunstein of Harvard Law School, these policy makers seek to utilize the tools of technology to gently prod certain behavior. Change the social environment ever so slightly, and you can manipulate human beings to choose different behavior. Clearly that’s what Dorsey thinks he’s doing by suspending Alex Jones from the platform — he says that he hopes to change Jones’ behavior. This sort of manipulation is often dubbed “libertarian paternalism” — it doesn’t force choice, it just inhibits certain kinds of choice.


In many cases, that’s just fine — when a grocery decides to place vegetables and fruits at eye level in order to cause you to take a second look, that’s not actually inhibiting choice. But that’s not what Twitter does. Twitter is supposed to be a grocery store for viewpoints. And viewpoints aren’t like candy and vegetables: which views are worthwhile is almost entirely in the eye of the beholder. It’s easy to say that neo-Nazis should be downgraded while Harvard professors are upgraded in terms of reach — but there’s no absolute standard, no limiting principle here. Conservatives are deeply suspicious that people on the Left will simply classify them alongside the junk food, while ridiculous Leftist views are promoted as “the stuff that’s good for you.”


It’s also true that Twitter’s tactics for elevating the vegetables aren’t quite as libertarian as all that. They make it impossible to find certain accounts unless you search for them; they suspend accounts at whim. This isn’t a case of merely placing the candy food away from the supermarket aisles — it’s a case of placing the candy away from all display, so you don’t even know that the grocery sells it.


Before Twitter can “make the conversation better,” they’re going to first need to solve a serious trust problem with their audience. And that problem is only exacerbated by Twitter’s newly-stated desire to define our vegetables for us, and then cram them down our throats.



Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.2633379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3409 >>3424 >>3441 >>3449 >>3460 >>3507 >>3512 >>3549 >>3567 >>3857 >>3953



'I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance. You have humiliated us and divided us.' SEAL admiral in charge of bin Laden raid savages Trump for 'McCarthy era' attack on John Brennan


President Donald Trump canceled former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance on Wednesday

Brennan is a longtime CIA agent who ran it during the Osama bin Laden raid

He has become a fierce Trump critic on Twitter and was a key figure in the launch of the Russia probe

Brennan blasted Trump in a New York Times op-ed on Thursday, saying the president is targeting him in order to keep 'collusion' a secret

Retired Navy Admiral William McRaven piled on later in the day, writing in The Washington Post that he hoped Trump would revoke his clearance too

Rob O'Neill, the Navy SEAL credited with killing bin Laden, says he disagrees with McRaven – who was his commanding officer during the 2011 raid


William McRaven, commander of the U.S. Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday for revoking the security clearance of former CIA chief John Brennan – and asked that his be canceled as well.


The decorated retired Navy admiral, in an open letter published in The Washington Post, defended Brennan as 'one of the finest public servants I have ever known' and accused Trump of using 'McCarthy-era tactics.'


'Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John,' McRaven wrote of Brennan. 'He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don't know him.'


'Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.'


Robert O'Neill the Navy SEAL credited with firing three fatal bullets into bin Laden's head, tweeted Thursday afternoon that he isn't siding with McRaven.

Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.2633402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feminist Admits Anti-Sex Discrimination Law Is Actually Anti-Men


A feminist administrator has finally admitted what many men and women who have woken up to the abuses of Title IX have known for a while: It was always intended as a weapon against men.


Diane Davis, chair of the department of rhetoric at the University of Texas-Austin, had signed onto a letter defending New York University professor Avital Ronell, a well-known feminist and lesbian, from accusations of sexual harassment. As The Daily Wire previously reported, feminists rushed to back one of their own after she faced accusations of sexual misconduct from a former student. They even went so far as to impugn the motives of the accuser, a gay male, using the same tactics they would otherwise condemn if the accuser were a woman and the accused were a man.


But Davis went a step further when she responded to a New York Times inquiry.


“I am of course very supportive of what Title IX and the #MeToo movement are trying to do, of their efforts to confront and to prevent abuses, for which they also seek some sort of justice,” Davis wrote in an email to the Times. “But it’s for that very reason that it’s so disappointing when this incredible energy for justice is twisted and turned against itself, which is what many of us believe is happening in this case.”


Turned against itself? Title IX is gender neutral, so how can it be “turned against itself”?


Before quoting Davis, Times reporter Zoe Greenberg paraphrased Davis’ comments about the letter she and her colleagues signed.


“Diane Davis, chair of the department of rhetoric at the University of Texas-Austin, who also signed the letter to the university supporting Professor Ronell, said she and her colleagues were particularly disturbed that, as they saw it, Mr. [Nimrod] Reitman was using Title IX, a feminist tool, to take down a feminist.” (Emphasis added.)



Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.2633423   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.2633494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3566 >>3684 >>3953

Update… Jury in Manafort Trial Submits Questions to Court – ‘Looks Like Case May Not Be Slam Dunk’


After nearly two hours of instructions by Judge Ellis, the jury began to deliberate Thursday morning in the tax evasion and bank fraud case against Paul Manafort.


The jury is comprised of 6 men and 6 women and it is unclear how long it will take for the jury to vote.


Judge Ellis told the jury to take as much or as little time as they need, but there are a lot of exhibits so they’ve asked and gotten OK to use a bigger room, reported Josh Gerstein of Politico.

Earlier this week…


“Mr. Manafort just rested his case. He did so because he and his legal team believe that the government has not met its burden of proof,” Manafort’s lawyer Kevin Downing said on Tuesday.


The closing arguments began at 9:30 AM ET Wednesday morning.


Mueller’s prosecutors said in their closing arguments that Manafort’s money is ‘littered with lies.’


Manafort’s defense attorneys hammered the Special Counsel prosecutors Wednesday afternoon after the jurors returned from a lunch recess, arguing the prosecution slapped together a smorgasbord of evidence and failed to prove any crimes were committed by Manafort.


Manafort’s lawyers argued that Mueller’s prosecutors were ‘fishing for a crime’ that never existed and that the indictments were thrown down after “the special counsel showed up and started asking questions.”


The defense also argued the prosecution failed to call key witnesses to testify such as the CEO of the Chicago-based bank that approved Manafort’s high risk loans totaling over $16 million.


The loan officer at the bank who handled Manafort’s loans and told him to “get creative” with his income wasn’t even called to testify, which of course the defense used as an opportunity to plant doubt in the minds of jurors.


The prosecution brought forward 23 witnesses; five of the witnesses testified against Paul Manafort under the protection of immunity.


Manafort is charged with 18 counts and is facing up to 305 years in prison if convicted on all counts.


Update: At 5:00 PM ET, the jury submitted four questions to the court.

Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2633517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Palestine's DFLP Rejects Reconciliation on Israel's Terms - Official


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) rejects long-term reconciliation with Israel on the terms of the latter, member of the organization's political bureau Ali Faisal told Sputnik on Thursday.


According to media reports, Israelis and Palestinians are continuing to discuss a draft long-term solution to the problem of the Gaza Strip, proposed by the UN and Egypt.


"Long-term reconciliation in accordance with Israeli conditions is unacceptable, because Israel is making every effort to stop 'marches of return' under the slogan of weakening procedures at the checkpoints. Our question is not humanitarian, our question is distinctly political, and we have national rights based on self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem and the return of refugees to their homes," Faisal said.


Faisal added that the DFLP called for negotiations on all issues — from reconciliation to humanitarian issues.


Reconciliation should ensure continued resistance and "return marches," as well as ensure the continued presence of weapons in the hands of Palestinian resistance, he stressed.


Tensions between the Israelis and the Palestinians near the Gaza border have been mounting since late March, which marked the beginning of the Palestinian protest campaign against Israel, dubbed the Great March of Return.


The recent disturbances on the Israeli-Gaza border have been caused by continued shelling and the launch of arson balloons by Hamas militants into Israeli territories.


Egypt and the United Nations are attempting to come up with a plan to ease the current tensions between the Israelis and Palestinians. Since March, a number of temporary ceasefire agreements between Israel and Hamas have been reached through Egyptian mediation.

Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 3:02 p.m. No.2633550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3577

2015 United Nations Paper Proposed Government Licensing To “Supervise Content” Online


In recent purge, globalists are following long existing plans to censor internet.


In 2015, the Washington Post warned that the United Nations was attempting to “…transform the Web from a libertarian free-for-all to some kind of enforced social commons“.


The warning came in response to a UN report titled “Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls: A World-Wide Wake-up Call“.


The report was promptly withdrawn due to errors with “footnoting”.


Based on a campaign to promote “gender sensitive content” for women and prevent online harrassment and bullying, the report proposed a Chinese style system of government licensing.


From the report:


“Political and governmental bodies need to use their licensing prerogative to ensure that only those Telecoms and search engines are allowed to connect with the public that supervise content and its dissemination”.


China, a country which has committed some of the worst human rights violations in history, has adopted a licensing system as described in the UN report. The report itself fails to mention this fact, other than saying in a sick irony, “…people in China do not report a strong sense of increased freedom from using the Internet”.


A year after the UN report, the secretive Bilderberg group discussed plans to lock down the internet with “online passports”. According to Infowars sources:


“Services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could also use the online passport to revoke posting permission if a user violates terms of agreement, another obvious threat to the free flow of information that has made the web what it is today.”


In 2015, the Washington Post warned of a “dangerous vision for the future of the Web“, now it has joined the chorus of other establishment publications cheering the silencing of Infowars.


Long before the narratives of “Russian meddling”, Sandy Hook and fake news, elites were planning to stifle free speech online under different conditions.


The establishment has been waiting for the right moment to crack down on internet freedom.


The purge of conservative voices and Alex Jones has nothing to do with protecting human rights, preventing bullying, or any kind of humanitarian aim. The long term planning of this censorship shows that, despite it’s current focus, it isn’t even centered on Infowars. Its sights are on all of us and it has one goal: Silence the opposition.

Anonymous ID: b3604f Aug. 16, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.2633590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3766

After Releasing Suspected School Shooters, Child Killers, Feds Trash Compound, Destroying Evidence


After releasing five suspected terrorists — accused of plotting school shootings and killing a toddler — authorities raid their compound and destroy potential evidence.