Anonymous ID: bd4665 Aug. 16, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.2633803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I will prob get shit for this comment but don't care, just an observation.


In the very very deep dive that was "Pizzagate" in 2016, every day i could barely bring myself to look any deeper because of the pure disgust of Comet Ping Pong and everything found there. Keep in mind at this time the main theory was that children were being trafficked for sex and this was some kind of pedo spot.


As Alefantis and friends went on the defensive on TV, I didn't want to listen to a word from his scumbag mouth. You could tell he was mixing lies and truth to confuse. Then at one point he out right says something like "I am not a pedophile" and you know what frens, I believed him. It honestly looked and sounded like he was telling the truth. Knowing what we now know, I still believe, those kids were for other disgusting purposes or were business for him. It's in the same way a rapist, who abducted and raped someone, and one of his friends killed her, could say with 100% "truthfulness" and come across sincerely saying "I did not kill her!"


Just my 2 cents. Fire away!