Q, you could have pointed out any one of those guys in the red shoes, and the results would be the same: Give us something substantial, PLEASE!!!
Q, what is the point of all of this? You want us to dig up information on a guy you obviously knew all about mounts ago? How many Haitian kid eating freaks do you want us to identify? And what are WE supposed to do with this info? Tell our neighbors? They aint gonna believe us, and even if they did, what are WE supposed to do then?
Q, is the plan to have us autists, half of which are so far off the spectrum, they are nuttier than a Chinese chicken salad to take these people down? If so, we need a new plan STAT!
Let me make it easy for you. They are all pedo's, have cushy govt jobs, and walk the street free while more kids get fucked up. What will you do when you find this out? make memes? We are not going to stop these people like this.
You want to rely on Fox news to expose all of this? We are so fucked. I'm just going to keep digging and stfu, and pray my ass off that there is a better plan in place than that.
Q, you are losing autists everyday with shit like this. You want us to believe that you predicted last week 4 planes will make emergency landings today. Dude, you better step up your game, you're slip is starting to show.