Anonymous ID: fa10cd Aug. 16, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.2634225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273



Ok, here's a summary of Q's post #1918


Kauders donated $4750 to democrats in 2012 per his filing as a foreign agent in 2017.


In 2012, his lobbying registration for the Podesta group list him as lobbying for European Centre for a Modern Ukraine out of Brussels, Belgium.


Then in May of 215, Wikileaks email reveals Tony inviting Kauders to cooking event with John Podesta, a fundraiser for Hillary. Kauders says wife already was invited and is happy to make first contribution.


Now the Q's pictures….


Bill Maher wearing red shoes.

Maher pictured with Anthony Weiner.

Podesta party red shoes photo.

A MAGA lion.

McCann disappearance blurb.

Pic of Tony Podesta with DC in background.


Ummmmm…. I got nothing but WILD SPECULATION.


If red shoes are first pedo kills…. then is Madeline McCann John or Tony Podesta's shoes?


Which makes Kauders and possibly Mahers shoes from the Podesta cooking fundraiser?


Oh gawd by brain hurts.

Anonymous ID: fa10cd Aug. 16, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.2634638   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Podesta group closed due to selling out America through lobbyists?


Contract with Hong Kong defaulted (trap?) so Kauders who per 2016 filing was an agent for Hong Kong Trade Development Council went to HK to mediate payment?

