Anonymous ID: 8be125 Aug. 16, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.2634926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935

For those praying and canvassing pro life, Gods Will is not understood.

It reminds me of someone I know….her name is Mary.

She had dedicated a life of virginity to God only to have a marriage arranged by the high priest. Then she discovered the one whose branch blossomed was Joseph the Na zerite who also dedicated his virginity to God. Then she was shocked to be told by Gods angel she would become pregnant. She knew He was to be the messiah but wasnt told she would give birth in a stable. Presenting Him in the temple with great joy she was told a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart. In the middle of the night she was woken by Joseph and warned to flee to safety as Herod slaughtered the innocents. She was distressed when Jesus was lost for 3 days. Whilst Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane Mary searched for the Apostles to understand what was happening. She was shocked to meet the tortured person of Jesus on the way of the cross. She may have expected to be taken to heaven at our Lords ascension but lived many more years in suffering and prayer.

If God did not explain to Mary all that was happening and would happen, we can not expect it to be different for us.

The has been an emormous outpouring of grace that has inspired prayer, evangelising and countless souls have been touched. We have personally been greatly blessed

Thanks be to God


We feel victimized by the yes vote. Think of The Christ as He was dying, hanging on the cross. He said " My God, My God, why have You forsaken me"

He knew He was to stay on earth a prisoner of mankind ,Body , Blood , Soul and DIVINITY in the Eucharest to the end of the world.


The devil has NO power only that which All Powerful God allows