Anonymous ID: 30642a Aug. 16, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.2635884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5915

To mark the 17th of August.


When Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt met in August 1941 on the battleship HMS Prince of Wales to agree the Atlantic Charter, a church service was held for which Prime Minister Churchill chose the hymns. He chose "Onward, Christian Soldiers" and afterwards made a radio broadcast explaining this choice;

We sang "Onward, Christian Soldiers" indeed, and I felt that this was no vain presumption, but that we had the right to feel that we were serving a cause for the sake of which a trumpet has sounded from on high. When I looked upon that densely packed congregation of fighting men of the same language, of the same faith, of the same fundamental laws, of the same ideals … it swept across me that here was the only hope, but also the sure hope, of saving the world from measureless degradation.

— Winston Churchill


Onward, Christian Soldiers


Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus

Going on before.

Christ, the royal master,

Leads against the foe;

Forward into battle

See his banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus

Going on before.

Like a mighty army

Moves the Church of God;

Brothers, we are treading

Where the saints have trod.

We are not divided,

All one body we,

One in hope and doctrine,

One in charity.

Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus

Going on before.

Crowns and thrones may perish,

Kingdoms rise and wane,

But the church of Jesus

Constant will remain.

Gates of hell can never

Against that Church prevail;

We have Christ’s own promise,

And that cannot fail.

Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus

Going on before.

Onward, then, ye faithful,

Join our happy throng,

Blend with ours your voices

In the triumph song:

Glory, laud, and honor

Unto Christ, the king;

This through countless ages

Men and angels sing.

Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus Going on before.

