Anonymous ID: 878e35 Aug. 16, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.2635811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5924

>>2635538 LAST BREAD

>They never thought they’d be hunted.


>BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM = 4 passenger planes (that we know of) being re-routed.


>Lights out at Reagan.


>Me-thinks it’s clear is scooping bad guys in earnest now.


>I’m trying to imagine what’s really going on out of sight.


>Fish in a barrel Q?


Here's something else: The only news results with any details whatsoever I can find on those 4 planes that made emergency landings today are from, wait for it, Sputnik.


News being embargoed by Mockingbird? I gotta wonder.


At any rate, Sputnik has 3 pieces on it. First two were in last bread, and here's the third.


"Four planes made emergency landings in Chile, Peru and Argentina over bomb threats, Chile's Civil Aviation Authority said Thursday. Flights departing from or coming into Chile made emergency landings in Rosario, Argentina and Pisco, Peru among other locations. Chilean police are investigating.


The bomb threats appear to be false at this time. Three of the planes have been inspected by authorities with no bombs found and the fourth in undergoing inspection at Santiago's Arturo Benitez international airport.


Two of the flights were operated by Latam Airlines and two by Sky, a budget Chilean airline. Three of the flights have been identified as Latam flight 2369 from Lima to Santiago, Sky Airlines flight 524 and Sky Airlines flight 162, according to the Chilean Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC).


The threats were made through an anonymous phone call to the office of the DGAC; Chilean media reported later in the evening that at least eight false bomb threats to commercial flights had been made.


"The people are being put on other flights and we are going to be open to receive information," Major Diego Rojas, spokesman for the Chilean police, said according to T13.


Sputnik reported the emergency landing of Latam flight 2369 earlier Thursday, noting "Today at 12:48, the Radar Control Center of Peru received a call from its counterparts in Chile, saying they had received a bomb threat concerning Latam Flight LA 2369," Peru's Transportation Ministry said in a statement.


There doesn't yet appear to be any injuries or actual bombs discovered on the flights.


"The ministry said the crew had decided to divert the plane to the small Peruvian port city of Pisco," Sputnik News reported. "The flight landed at 13:54."


One of the four planes was travelling from Chile to Mendoza, Argentina, was forced to make an emergency landing in Rosario. According to journalist Juan Pedro Aleart, the aircraft was inspected by authorities and everything was determined to be OK.


The news follows an emergency landing of another plane in Chile on Wednesday. The investigation was also conducted at Santiago's Arturo Benitez airport.


Earlier on Thursday, a German flight made an emergency landing over Greece, Sputnik News reported.


(will post images from article in a few mins)