Anonymous ID: 8db8a2 Aug. 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.2635777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810

Hey Q

Look, I get it that you cannot disclose sensitive material… We know you have the good on all the crumbs you drop… I think the confusion comes is about where we fit in… In the early days we had to dig to uncover the crumbs that you laid out for us… But now, all we get are the shills… (expected)… Are we there to merely witness these events or to actually assist in uncovering the facts?


A little help would be appreciated in terms if we actually have a roll to play in this or if we are just the witnesses to see/record what has taken place.


Fight Fight Fight…


There are more here than you may realize that are looking for direction.