Anonymous ID: 96bde8 Aug. 16, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.2635918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boston Globe receives threat after anti-Trump editorial


The Boston Globe today received a threatening telephone call that is being taken seriously by local and federal authorities, according to an email sent by a facilities manager to other tenants at the newspaper's headquarters.


Big picture: The Boston Globe today published an editorial pushing back against President Trump's claims that some in the media are an "enemy of the people," and also helped coordinate similar editorials in 300 other papers.



Here is part of the building manager's email, which was sent just before noon today:

"Earlier today a tenant in the building, the Boston Globe, received several threats via phone call. Based on this threat the local and federal authorities have recommended some additional security measures for the property. For the remainder of the day you will see uniformed Boston Police officers in the lobby and around the property. There are very few specifics, but the threat was specific to later this afternoon."


A Boston Police Department spokesman confirmed that it increased patrols around the Globe building, but said to call the FBI about any possible threat. The FBI declined comment, citing Department of Justice policy.

Anonymous ID: 96bde8 Aug. 16, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.2636307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Belle Plaine Allows Satanic Monument In City Park

July 11, 2017 at 6:36 pm


MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A small Minnesota town is getting a lot of attention for a Satanic monument coming to their veterans park.


The monument going up for The Satanic Temple — which features an upturned helmet atop a black cube — will soon be at the site of the Veterans Memorial Park in Belle Plaine.


It is being built by a group of Satanists out of Massachusetts, and it will be the first Satanic monument on public property in United States history.

belle plaine veterans memorial park Belle Plaine Allows Satanic Monument In City Park


Belle Plaine Veterans Memorial Park (credit: CBS)


The city is allowing the monument to be built after a religious freedom group threatened to sue over another statue, which features a soldier praying over a grave marked with a cross.


City officials say the memorial, which is not inside the park yet, is finished, but they are still working out a date for when it will go in.