Anonymous ID: 7e744d Aug. 16, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.2637846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After reading Q's drop with the Podesta email, and seeing Nora Pouillon's name AGAIN, I started researching the DC Chefs, trying to spot those who might be in the web. Not sure if all of these chefs are dirty, but they worked with Obama and just seem worth a closer look.


James Beard and his Foundation seem to be connected to nearly all of the big-time DC chefs. https://

As part of James Beard Foundation's Chefs Boot Camp, all chefs learn how to lobby in DC.


Nora Pouillon, mentioned in the Podesta email, grew up in the Austrian Alps, before coming here. She worked closely with Michelle Obama's nutrition program and cooks for Podesta private parties.






Spike Mendelsohn associated with BRAVO tv, served as Chair of the Washington, D.C. "D.C. Food Policy Council", under the Obamas and worked to end global hunger. Lobbys DC




Who can forget Jose Andreas? He's part of the "resistance" eye roll He's the chef that wouldn't work at the Trump Hotel and accused Ivanka of specifically not allowing him into an after-party. Unsubstantiated, but if true, can you blame her? Whatta jerk. He went to Puerto Rico to "rebuild it one meal at a time".

