Anonymous ID: 2af377 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2639018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9083 >>9237 >>9293 >>9331

Anons, I just had a thought. Couple of breads ago, I was thinking Q linked, then deleted something. Turned out to be my browser was going nuts, and they were drops from long ago that I had forgotten about; stuff from March:

>Learn double meanings.

>News unlocks MAP.

>Why is STEEL so important?

>Expand your thinking.


This post explains the meaning behind "Red October" (it's a Steel plant in Russia); emphasis on the importance of STEEL (double meanings dig).



This document, Long made short, is how the OSS (the predecessor to the CIA) worked with the SS (Nazis) to negotiate an end to WWII, and how the Vatican helped to exfiltrate (rescue) 200+ SS and German Military Intelligence operatives (Gehlen Organization). The pretense was humanitarian aid, and the reason was "anti-communist efforts in Europe, post war end". Doctors that did the horrid experiments on people were high priority in the list, and went on to work for the US military/CIA.


So, the Catholic Church helped the Nazis, which ended up helping the OSS become the CIA, and the CIA was formed with the background knowledge that the Nazis gained, and other clandestine shit planned.




Q mentioned, in the beginning, that the map had 43 confirmed connections back in November 24, 2017:

>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.


Later on, this post, happened:

>Mess with the best, die like the rest.

>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

>[44] remaining.

>Wizards & Warlocks.

>Save the best for last.



OK. So. Help me out here. It's probably right in front of my nose, and I just don't see it in breads and notables. Have we established a "name" or a "directory" of the operations that Q has confirmed, yet? Do you all understand what I'm asking?


If this post:

>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Is related to the subject matter of this post:

>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

>[44] remaining.


Then are we missing the real "big picture" here? What is it that JFK wanted to do, again, with the CIA? It might be a dubios quote, but even Q used it:

>1000 pieces.


Q is doing that which Kennedy wanted to do. He's laying out the "map".

The Map is the list of CIA operations he's dismantling.