Anonymous ID: 572ffd Aug. 16, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2638696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What leverage do the white hats have?


If they don't do what (((they))) are told, we will kill them all?

nuclear, chemical, biological, spec ops missions and ops.


We KNOW a high ranking ((roth)) figure was killed/neutralized last dec.


There is no one we cannot reach and (((they))) and their masters know this.


Flip side of this is black hats still have leverage over psyop'd minorities and shitskin scum that are being revved up to go live across europe and the west - which they are doing now.


US military cannot fight a civil war and save europe at the same time unless that entails a nuclear strike and cleansing + local uprising.




(((they))) are holding our people hostage while victimizing one at a time.


Biggest issue right now is getting to the public to wake up and be ready to defend themselves - to show that justice is being done and US military is on THEIR side.


Without resorting to out and out warfare, which is uncontrollable at best.


We are here to rebuild the world and kill/imprison these shitskin scum, not burn it down in the process.

Anonymous ID: 572ffd Aug. 16, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2638850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8875 >>8898


Along with Eric Trump's tweet, it's a pretty much given at this point there are entrenched remnants of black hat scum operating within the pentagon.


Destruction of the old guard does NOT ignore the 'new guard' that is going to be taken out piece by piece.

Anonymous ID: 572ffd Aug. 16, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2638938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It is the rogue operators, the truly bent nut jobs, the ones that just won't let go


a LOT of jews and muzzies in that rank + 'minority' assets.


Europe needs saving NOW.


Just top level ticking off the old guard is not enough. We need demographic re-balancing and total annihilation of 'miinority' mentality fostered by the globalists.


Europe needs to be purged of muzzies, PERIOD. DEATH, imprionment for the criminals, examples must be made of muzzies talking about raping white women and children and such. These fucking racially motivated scum MUST be killed and or imprisoned and rest sent back.


There is NO compromise with these racially and religiously motivated SCUM in the west or the world. We must be prepared to see this through.