Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2638855   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8868 >>8878 >>8919 >>8938 >>8999 >>9336


One thing that I think has REALLY given me a glimpse into all of this that not many have, and that is my dad did several bids on felony charges, and I know a LOT of people who have done time or are doing time.


95% of the assumptions I've seen on here as to how someone like Clinton may act, if she HAD been arrested, or how it would be going, if you keep in mind the fact that POTUS KNOWS THAT POLITICS FLOWS DOWNSTREAM FROM CULTURE…And so WE MUST DESTROY THE #FAKENEWS & HOLLYWOOD as fast as possible.


Never foret, all these people are professional liars and fakers, and if a year or two traveling around acting like all was well and then you get life instead of execution, EVERYONE is going to take it. TRUMP is in COMPLETE control.


Everything this Anon posts rings 100% true to me. It is the rogue operators, the truly bent nut jobs, the ones that just won't let go, that we have to be careful for as we DESTROY their narrative and narrative creating machines. And that might also explain some of these interesting flights and helos and other things. Maybe.




Anyone seen Eric Prince recently??



Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8 p.m. No.2638919   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9381


Sorry for the typos Anons, I am bleary eyed and bushed.


Most of the assumptions on here as to how people react when faced with 20+ years, or something like life, or execution, are off.


ALL of these people, most of who had never had to answer to ANYTHING, ALL of them melt like hoes in the face of the reality that is The United States Military led by Donald J. Trump.


They have NO courage, NO honor, NO scruples.


How POTUS pulled this off will be talked about for eternity. We've truly been delivered. What a timeline.



Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2638971   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8984 >>8992 >>9212


No…The truly wicked are getting executed for the children. Most all of them, Clinton, Schumer, Brennan….They're all dead people walking. Maybe POTUS offered them extra time alive at GITMO?? TRUST ME…You'd take it. Not sure.


But what about some Republican senator who only banged of age hookers, and took bribes and drugs as bribes?? It's all treason, but if he plays ball, sorta like maybe Acosta isn't raping and eating children, but by the letter of the law, his actions are worthy of execution IMO, but he plays his part, POTUS tells us someday about how he put him up to it, and Jim does 2 years and comes out to be a grateful and model American.


Pedos ALL die. The public at large will demand it.

Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.2639135   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9195 >>9272

"The only risk left is economic.

From normies freaking out too much.

Or rogue operators. The 4-6%".


I just want to repeat this. Because this Anon knows. I think the hammers drop as soon as, and I'm guessing Bannon and his Honeybadgers might be in on this somehow, as soon as we get PUBLIC CONSENSUS to a % where we are basically assured that even if the remaining rogue operators that OUR Delta type teams have not been able to round up throw all they got at us, the damage will be minimal and we will keep the lights on.


We are fighting for the Narrative. And we are winning. God Bless you Anons.

Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2639201   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9256


KEK!! Yes…This Exactly. I love this show.


Remember when they mobilized NG in those Southern States, and as the NG was working it's way to the boarder from local armories, they slowly slipped into these border towns, many times top operators disguised as every day troops, and rolled up a bunch of the worst perps??


Remember hearing about that?? Me neither.






Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.2639260   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9284


Agreed. And it is ALL on on Hollywood, Haiti, Satanists, & Catholics right now. The stuff with Brennan and those guys, while important, of course, is nothing to GEOTUS at this point.


The bottom line is POTUS is a VERY Compassionate and loving man and he wants as few as many casualties in a world wide saga, where a serious mis-play on his part could literally bring about the end of Our Nation and maybe our world.


One way or another, there will be casualties, and who can dare to blame POTUS for stretching this out in order to save lives and WIN MORE OVER TO MAGA!?!?!?


I'm comfy. I trust Trump.

Anonymous ID: 7d60d0 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.2639311   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Disagree 100%. No offense Anon, but where do you live?? Are you close to a lot of liberals and/or leftists?? Do you realize how badly schools that pipe in CNN have kids buying into the fact that Trump IS Hitler??


I live so deep in the blue, it's purple. Trump starts arresting people without enough of us being awake, and every day HOW MANY ROGUE operators are cut down and locked up, too fast, and shit hits the fan.


I love all of you Anons. But anyone questioning POTUS at this point are either faking it or don't know what's going on, or maybe the fear that this isn't going to happen is getting to you.