Anonymous ID: c207e7 Aug. 16, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2638937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8977

So I got distracted with the new Hillary emails and one of the mentioned Brennan & was talking about the CIA bombing in 2009.

I don't remember it(Honestly I wasn't paying attention for a few years around that time)

and this was strange:

Jennifer Lynne Matthews-CIA, Chief of Base


Jennifer Matthews had left comfortable London job for dangerous role tackling terrorism in Afghanistan

CIA suggested she had not vetted informant who killed seven officials outside base in 2009

Matthews had also been blamed for failing to warn FBI about al-Qaeda members ahead of 9/11 attacks

A few years after the 9/11 attacks in New York City, the CIA released a report recommending disciplinary action against Matthews and others.

It suggested the agency managers had not warned the FBI about two al-Qaeda members in the country since 2000. The CIA director declined to take any disciplinary action.


Aftermath: CIA director Leon E. Panetta addresses CIA employees weeks after the attack. It raised questions about how the agency could protect its operatives

Why is that name familiar? Wasn't it mentioned here not that long go? Leon Panetta?