Anonymous ID: f9a43e Aug. 16, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.2638808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9092 >>9132


Had I not been here since /pol migration to here, I'd agree with you. At one point after Oct 30th, I was in full its a LARP mode into Jan.



and I was like wait a minute!

THEN Trust Kansas ....beat DUKE

THEN POTUS SAID TIPPY TOP while standing next to a white rabbit


Before that! The lists of CEO's resigning (that was a biggy)

45k+ Sealed Indictments


Whole Supreme Court of WV indicted


List of Sen. and Reps not running (big)


The number of foreign presidents being arrested 2 in one week at one point


The Pens pics


Several times he signaled Q


The Fire Truck Pics (happened twice)


North Korea (um that's a big as deal)


And personally, there's been two times I've personally requested something and it came to pass withing couple weeks.

  1. Need Jobs in SE Missouri (we are very poor) - Two weeks later EPA approves the opening a major mining operation


  1. I asked what about the Muslim training camps - Week or so later, they busted one down in New Mexico just couple days ago.


So...there's more. But it's good to remind you me and others....there's proof enough.

Proof enough for me.

Other than that...what the hell else you got to do? There's nothing better on TV.


So take a break and come back in a couple weeks.

Anonymous ID: f9a43e Aug. 16, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.2638960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051


YOU - aren't going to do anything except get your or someone else hurt.

YOU - won't do anything except fuck something up or bring a bad name to everything we've done here

YOU - are in need of a break from this because

YOU - sound just like I did at one point, especially after weeks of Podesta pics.


That shit really fucks with your head.

But I'm not saying your a shill

I'm saying you need a break. Trust me, here all night and day after day after day. Some point you go a little nuts and you need to step back.

Anonymous ID: f9a43e Aug. 16, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2639164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9235


Well, he could always flip the switch and go with Plan B like I stated the other night. It wouldn't hurt my feelings.


The world would fall into complete chaos for a while, millions would probably die, civil war, and much more fun and games. But at least we wouldn't have to wait anymore.


But if you think shit is going to happen without putting new judges on benches everywhere dream on. You should know that if you've contributed far longer than 95% of this fucking board.

Anonymous ID: f9a43e Aug. 16, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.2639228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9286


Yeah but i think at some point a lot of anons have a bad night and begin to doubt


I think it's normal

Then they go ape shit and spout stupid shit off or a while.


Not every anon who disagrees is a shill.

Some are just having a moment.

Some are shills, others just having a bad moment. Don't tell me I'm the only one that ever had a doubting Thomas moment.


But a good healthy dose of skepticism makes us sharper. We don't need neophytes. We need logical thinkers.

Anonymous ID: f9a43e Aug. 16, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.2639257   🗄️.is 🔗kun




it was intense


It was a test to find an adulteress


If she was guilty her leg rotted off and she had to crawl around on her belly like a serpent then on.