Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2639478   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2639499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533

The Looming Economic Collapse: The $250 Trillion Dollar Worldwide Debt Crisis


As governments raise taxes to cope with their unending spending habits, people are increasingly being forced to supplement their own income with loans. And according to most financial experts, this debt problem is so big that it will usher in a global economic collapse of epic proportions.

Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 8:46 p.m. No.2639534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9602 >>9605 >>9682 >>9742 >>9823 >>9830 >>9833 >>9887 >>0056 >>0105 >>0108 >>0109

12 former intelligence chiefs release a statement on Trump revoking Brennan clearance


Twelve former intelligence chiefs signed and released a public letter protesting the decision by President Donald Trump to revoke the security clearance of former FBI Director John Brennan, who has been very critical of the president.


“Ill-considered and unprecedented”


“We feel compelled to respond in the wake of the ill-considered and unprecedented remarks and actions by the White House,” the letter said. “We know John to be an enormously talented, capable and patriotic individual who devoted his entire adult life to the service of this nation.”


“Insinuations and allegations of wrongdoing on the part of Brennan while in office are baseless,” it continued. “Since leaving government service, John has chosen to speak out sharply regarding what he sees as threats to our national security.”


“[W]e all agree that the president’s action regarding John Brennan and the threats of similar action against other former officials has nothing to do with who should and should not hold security clearance – and everything to do with an attempt to stifle free speech,” they added.


The contention that Trump was shutting down free speech mirrored that of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who said Wednesday that the decision violated Brennan’s First Amendment right of free speech. Clapper was also one of the signatories.


Here’s the list of the former officials who signed the letter of protest:


3 former Directors of Central Intelligence:


William Webster

George Tenet

Porter Goss


3 former CIA directors:


Gen. Michael Hayden

Leon Panetta

Gen. David Petraeus


A former director of national intelligence:


James Clapper


4 former deputy CIA directors:


John McLaughlin

Stephen Kappes

Avril Haines

David Cohen

Michael Morell


“He’s disgraced and discredited himself”


Reports indicate that the president is eager to revoke the security clearances of other officials over their statements opposing his administration and his policies.


Trump tweeted Thursday a quote from Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch which read, “Brennan has gone off the deep end, he’s disgraced and discredited himself. His conduct has been outrageous.”

Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.2639555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minnesota - Delivery Men Saves a Man from Suicide By Offering Free Beers


Beer can save lives.

Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.2639637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9673

Calling the police on minorities could become a hate crime if New York bill passes


New York state Sen. Jesse Hamilton has proposed a bill that would make calling the police on a law-abiding minority a potential hate crime, Patch reported.


Last week, a supporter of President Donald Trump called the police on Hamilton, who was handing out anti-Trump materials in his district.


“That’s gonna be a hate crime,” Hamilton said. “This pattern of calling the police on black people going about their business and participating in the life of our country has to stop.”


The New York Post reported that the woman called 911 and complained about Hamilton’s stance on Trump’s immigration policies.


More about the bill


Hamilton’s bill targets situations like the one that took place at a Starbucks in Philadelphia, where two black customers were arrested because they were in the coffee shop without purchasing anything while waiting on a friend to arrive.


In a situation like that, if the minority victim feels that the call was racially motivated, he or she could report that to the police, who would then investigate whether the call was justified and whether it was motivated by race.


The consequences could be even more serious if the person who calls the police unjustifiably indicates that the minority could be a threat, which could endanger that person unnecessarily.


“You shouldn’t have your life put in danger due to ignorance,” said Anthony Beckford, a local copwatch patrol unit leader who is running for state office.


Hamilton made sure to note that according to his bill, a caller would not be charged if there is good reason to believe a person is a threat — even if it turns out the person was not a threat at all.


For example, the people who called 911 on a black man who was wielding a pipe that looked like a gun would not be in danger of prosecution, since the man actually looked like a threat. He was shot and killed by police.

Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2639763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9798 >>9823 >>9833 >>9887 >>0056 >>0108 >>0109 >>0147

9 Planes Make Emergency Landings in South America Over Bomb Threats


Nine planes made emergency landings in Chile, Peru and Argentina over bomb threats, Chile's Civil Aviation Authority said Thursday. Flights departing from or coming into Chile made emergency landings in Rosario, Argentina and Pisco, Peru among other locations. Chilean police are investigating.


"Today we received 11 threats, of which two were rejected as fake and nine were acted on," Chilean civil aviation authority DGAC Director Víctor Villalobos said at a press conference.


The bomb threats appear to be false at this time. Three of the planes have been inspected by authorities with no bombs found and the fourth in undergoing inspection at Santiago's Arturo Benitez international airport.


Two of the flights were operated by Latam Airlines and two by Sky, a budget Chilean airline. Three of the flights have been identified as Latam flight 2369 from Lima to Santiago, Sky Airlines flight 524 and Sky Airlines flight 162, according to the Chilean Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC).


The threats were made through an anonymous phone call to the office of the DGAC; Chilean media reported later in the evening that at least 11 false bomb threats to commercial flights had been made.


"The people are being put on other flights and we are going to be open to receive information," Major Diego Rojas, spokesman for the Chilean police, said according to T13.


Sputnik reported the emergency landing of Latam flight 2369 earlier Thursday, noting "Today at 12:48, the Radar Control Center of Peru received a call from its counterparts in Chile, saying they had received a bomb threat concerning Latam Flight LA 2369," Peru's Transportation Ministry said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 3afaab Aug. 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2639786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Study: Trump Tariffs Created More than 11K American Jobs in Six Months


President Trump’s protective tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, solar panels, and washing machines have created more than 11,000 American jobs over the course of six months, a new study reveals.


Analysis conducted by a Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) finds that Trump’s tariffs, thus far, have created about 11,100 American jobs throughout the country, a far cry from the job losses that were predicted by free trade economists and pundits.


“The national media is generally ignoring the job creation arising from the country’s new strategic trade posture. This information is important. These jobs will have substantial positive effects on local economies and the national US economy,” economist Jeff Ferry said in a statement. “They are in general well-paid manufacturing jobs in high-productivity businesses. Those new jobs will contribute to the creation of thousands of service sector jobs and they will stimulate local economies.”


The CPA study found “notable increases” in domestic steel and aluminum jobs. In the steel industry, alone, nearly 5,000 manufacturing jobs have been created. In the aluminum industry, a little less than 3,000 manufacturing jobs have been created thanks to Trump’s tariffs.


“President Trump’s safeguard actions are working well, and are already having a direct effect on US manufacturing,” CPA Chair Dan DiMicco, who worked on Trump’s transition team, said in a statement. “We’re very pleased to see the results that come from enforcing America’s trade laws, and we expect more high-paying jobs to keep coming online.”


In the solar industry, there have been 1,150 new U.S. jobs created thanks to the tariffs and another 2,100 jobs created in the washing machine industry.


As Breitbart News’s Sean Moran previously reported, CPA economists and researchers predicted that overall, about 19,000 jobs will be created because of Trump’s protective tariffs, which have proved incredibly popular with American business owners, workers, and GOP voters.