Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2639454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

-Charlotte Observer

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

-Washington Post

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • AP News

California High Court Rules for Immigrant Kids in Visa Fight

  • The New York Times

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • McAlister News

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • Ledger News

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • The Daily Journal

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • Douthan Eagle

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • The Tribune

California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

  • The Freidricksburg.




Just the first page on GOOG for this subject.

MOCKINGBIRD medical is not dead yet!!!


Anyway, here's the story:


The California Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for some immigrant children who are abused or abandoned by a parent to seek a U.S. visa to avoid deportation in a ruling that advocates said would help thousands of children.

State judges cannot require that children drag an absentee parent living abroad into court in their visa application process, the justices said in a unanimous decision. Immigration rights advocates had warned that such a requirement would make it nearly impossible for the children to fight deportation. That’s because courts in California cannot establish authority over a foreign citizen and the parent may want nothing to do with a child claiming abuse, and would refuse to participate in a court proceeding in the U.S., immigration groups said.

The ruling overturned a lower court decision. The California Supreme Court said it was sufficient to adequately notify the absent parent of the court proceedings, but that parent did not have to be a party to the case.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in court documents that the case had implications for a “substantial portion” of the thousands of children who have fled to the U.S. from Central America and Mexico and settled in California. Kristen Jackson, an attorney for the plaintiff in the case, estimated the ruling would affect thousands of children.

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.2639574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9709



Pressure on Keith Ellison to drop out of the race for Attorney General of Minnesota is growing. National and state party leaders are hedging their bets, mostly either refusing to comment or releasing anodyne statements. But the National Organization of Women has called on Ellison to step down. The best sign of mounting pressure is this:

Ellison has declined interview requests from the Star Tribune since winning the primary Tuesday night. On Thursday, Ellison refused to talk to a Star Tribune reporter who knocked on the front door of his Minneapolis home.

The other notable development is that the local press has finally started reporting on the first domestic abuse allegation against Ellison, which dates to 2005–by no means ancient history when it comes to “me too” issues.

For years, the Minnesota press, led by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, has covered up for Keith Ellison. It has buried the stories of his long association with the Nation of Islam, his rank anti-semitism, his political radicalism, and, above all, his decades-long support for cop-killers.


For years, the Minnesota press, led by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, has covered up for Keith Ellison. It has buried the stories of his long association with the Nation of Islam, his rank anti-semitism, his political radicalism, and, above all, his decades-long support for cop-killers.

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2639721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9876

Common WiFi Can Detect Weapons, Bombs and Chemicals in Bags


Ordinary WiFi can easily detect weapons, bombs and explosive chemicals in bags at museums, stadiums, theme parks, schools and other public venues, according to a Rutgers University–New Brunswick-led study.


The researchers’ suspicious object detection system is easy to set up, reduces security screening costs and avoids invading privacy such as when screeners open and inspect bags, backpacks and luggage. Traditional screening typically requires high staffing levels and costly specialized equipment.


“This could have a great impact in protecting the public from dangerous objects,” said Yingying (Jennifer) Chen, study co-author and a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Rutgers–New Brunswick’s School of Engineering. “There’s a growing need for that now.”

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2639889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legit or Fake News?


Duterte Willing to Step Down If Replaced by Son of Late Dictator Marcos


MANILA – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he is willing to step down if Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marco Jr., son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, replaces him, a presidential spokesperson said on Thursday.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque announced that Duterte could step down from his post before the end of his term in 2022, if someone more qualified than current vice-president Leni Robredo, who has been critical of the president, occupied the vice-presidency.

“He (Duterte) has said he thinks (former) senator Bongbong Marcos is one of the better qualified leaders to succeed him,” Roque said in a press conference.


Marcos, who ran for vice-president as an independent candidate but narrowly lost to Robredo in the 2016 elections – a result he has challenged in the courts –, has already received high praise from Duterte in the past.

“If there’s development and he (Marcos) wins the protest and becomes vice-president, yes. He (Duterte) will make true his word,” Roque said at the briefing.

In a speech on Monday, Duterte once again questioned Robredo’s ability to run the country and said he would rather the Philippines be governed by a military junta than her.


In the same address, the 73-year-old Philippine leader also said he was tired and was considering resigning, something he has suggested several times in recent months.

Duterte explained that his tiredness stemmed from the numerous corruption cases that are uncovered every week in different government organizations.


“My chase against graft and corruption seems to be endless and it has contaminated almost all government departments and offices,” he said.

According to the presidential spokesperson, that remark was a “real statement of exasperation and a genuine wish to step down if there’s a better leader or a qualified leader to take over.”

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2639912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9944

GOP buys New York governor a bus ticket to Canada after he said America 'was never that great'


The Associated Press reported on Thursday that the state's Republican Party bought a $55 one-way ticket for the New York Democrat to go to Montreal after his controversial remarks on Wednesday.


According to the publication, the ticket is only valid until Friday.

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2639989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"We've entered a new age of exploration"


Scientists Discover Stern of World War II U.S. Destroyer Off Remote Alaskan Island


For almost 75 years, the stern of the destroyer USS Abner Read lay somewhere below the dark of the Bering Sea off the Aleutian island of Kiska, where it sank after being torn off by an explosion while conducting an anti-submarine patrol.

Seventy-one U.S. Navy Sailors were lost in the aftermath of the blast, during a brutal and largely overlooked early campaign of World War II.

The heroic actions of crew is credited with saving the ship, but for the families of the lost Sailors, the final resting of those lost in the predawn hours of August 18, 1943 remained unknown.

That is until July 17, when a NOAA-funded team of scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and the University of Delaware discovered the missing 75- foot stern section in 290 feet of water off of Kiska, one of only two United States territories to be occupied by foreign forces in the last 200 years.

“This is a significant discovery that will shed light on this little-known episode in our history,” said retired Navy Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., acting under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and acting NOAA administrator. “It’s important to honor these U.S. Navy Sailors who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.”


“We’ve entered a new age of exploration,” added Mark Moline, director of the School of Marine Science and Policyoffsite link at the University of Delaware and co-founder of Project Recover. “New sensors and improved underwater robots that can bring back real-time images are driving new discoveries.”

Anonymous ID: cb8aaf Aug. 16, 2018, 9:33 p.m. No.2640052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"UK Artist Jessica Harrison works in various media, from porcelain to stone to what looks like frighteningly real flesh. Her series of miniature pieces of furniture made to look as though they were created from human skin are equally compelling and repulsive. Some even have hair. Eeeuuuwww."