Anonymous ID: dce4e5 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2639796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Ferguson Riot Organizer Leads Pledge from Communist Manifesto After Chat with Kirsten Gillibrand


Leftist activist Brittany Packnett appeared on a pro-abortion panel with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Wednesday to oppose the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanuagh to the Supreme Court.


After Gillibrand left, Packnett urged attendees to their feet to take an oath directly derived from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom!” Packnett asked the crowd at the at the Washington, DC, leg of the “Rise Up for Roe Tour,” to repeat after her, claiming this oath was one she had led “every night in Ferguson.”


“It is our duty to win!” she continued. “We must love and support one another!”


She then stopped the chant to emphasize the last line of the pledge. “This is the most important part,” she said. “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”(Emphasis added.)


The phrase derives from Marx’s 1848 Manifesto, which famously concludes, “Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!” (Emphasis added)


The exhortation has generally been paraphrased to the more pithy battlecry that has united generations of communists around the world, “Workers of the World, Unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!”


The language Packnett choose here has been modernized — and perhaps tailored for the overwhelmingly upper middle class attendees at Rise up for Roe — to “We must love and support one another. We have nothing to lose but our chains!” But the origin of the cry is unmistakable.


Sen. Gillibrand was not on stage when Packnett began her communist-inspired pledge. She had left approximately 20 minutes earlier after appearing with Packnett on the panel, organised by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the “Demand Justice Initiative,” a group the Daily Caller News Foundation exposed earlier this year as a newly-minted George Soros front.


Packnett is best known for her role in organizing 2014’s “protests” in Ferguson, Missouri, after her fellow activists falsely accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of callously murdering 18-year-old “gentle giant” Micheal Brown, who “had his hands up.” Despite the fact a grand jury investigation later conclusively showed Brown had attacked Wilson after resisting arrest for a robbery, the demonstrations quickly devolved into weeks of violent riots from which the St. Louis suburb is yet to recover.


The Rise Up for Row panel, primarily concerned with opposing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, was led by Lauren Duca, the Teen Vogue editor most famous for her fiery 2016 Tucker Carlson interview after she called for Ivanka Trump and her family to be harassed because of her “complicity” in her father’s “anti-woman” campaign. Other participants — billed as “badass women” — included CNN commentator and Bernie Sanders campaign manager Symone Sanders, Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, and open borders activist Jess Morales Rocketto.

Anonymous ID: dce4e5 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2639967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Boston To Ferguson To Charlottesville: The Evolution Of A Police State Lockdown

Anonymous ID: dce4e5 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2640006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia displays terrorists’ drones shot down over three days near Hmeymim


The Russian Defense Ministry official said the past month saw an increase in attempts at committing terrorist attacks involving drones


HMEYMIM AIRBASE /Syria/, August 16. /TASS/. Journalists from leading foreign mass media have been allowed to see terrorists’ drones shot down over the past three days near Hmeymim while trying to attack the airbase.


A group of foreign journalists touring Syria’s areas undergoing postwar reconstruction asked Russian military officials to let them see the makeshift drones terrorist use for attacks on Hmeymim. They were allowed to take a look at several improvised remote-controlled aircraft downed over the past several days.


Russian Defense Ministry official Major-General Igor Konashenkov said the past month saw an increase in attempts at committing terrorist attacks involving drones.


"Over the past month 45 drones carrying makeshift explosive devices were eliminated by the base’s air defense or means of radio-electronic warfare. Five drones were shot down over the past three days," Konashenkov said.


All ostensibly improvised drones in reality are high-tech pieces equipped with up-to-date navigation and control systems and bomb-dropping devices.


"This is a sure sign that some country having the relevant knowhow has shared it with international terrorist groups. However improvised they may look, the drones were assembled in accordance with all essential rules and requirements and laws of aerodynamics and the principles of how automatic control systems work," Konashenkov said while demonstrating the drones, one of them made of wood.


"Russian specialists have examined the drones that have been shot down or intercepted to arrive at the conclusion the makeshift devices were assembled in accordance with clear instructions formulated by specialists. Also, they are used in accordance with operating instructions," he said.

Drones’ parameters


Konashenkov said the makeshift drones had a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters and flight range of more than 100 kilometers and were capable of climbing to altitudes of up to 3.5 kilometers. One drone can carry up to 10 makeshift explosive devices. All drones that had tried to approach Hmeymim had been launched in terrorists-held Syria’s northeast (Idlib Province).


"The very instance of providing drones assembly and operating instructions for the terrorists is a crime, because the drones pose a serious threat not so much to military targets as civilian facilities, and not only in Syrian territory," he concluded.


Asked what other weapons the terrorists used in Syria Konashenkov invited the media to the international military-technical forum Army-2018, where they would be able to see a special exposition devoted to the struggle against terrorism in Syria. On display, he promised, there will be a wide range of weapons seized from the terrorists, including drones and improvised bombs

Anonymous ID: dce4e5 Aug. 16, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2640026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Teen Sparks FBI Action After Hacking Apple: Media


SYDNEY—An Australian teenager has pleaded guilty to hacking into the main computer network of technology giant Apple Inc, downloading big internal files and accessing customer accounts, because he was a fan of the company, local media reported.


The boy, 16, from Melbourne city, broke into the United States company’s mainframe from his suburban home many times over a year, The Age newspaper reported, citing statements by the teenager’s lawyer in court.


The teen downloaded 90 gigabytes of secure files and accessed customer accounts without exposing his identity. When Apple became aware of the intrusion it contacted the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, which referred the matter to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the newspaper said, quoting statements made in court.


The AFP declined a Reuters request for comment on the grounds that the matter was before the court.


An Apple representative in Australia was not immediately available for comment.


The report said that an AFP raid on the boy’s family home produced two laptops, a mobile phone and a hard drive which matched the intrusion reported by Apple. The sensitive documents were saved in a folder called “hacky hack hack,” the report added.


The report said the boy had boasted about his activities on the mobile messaging service WhatsApp.


The boy’s name could not be made public because he was a juvenile offender.


The report said the boy would be sentenced in September.