I'm gonna be a concernfag about the Iran protests for a minute here.
They started out being "death to Khomeini", "death to Palestine", yay for freedom type things. Somewhere along the way, they started calling to have the Shahs back and Reza Pahlavi got into the mix on Twat.
Latest as of yesterday, supposedly the regime made fake Pahlavi accounts and started Twatting obviously fake anti-democracy stuff. This reeks of Clown bullshit.
If I wanted the people to hate the regime (even more) and get behind Pahlavi, I'd make a fake Pahlavi account and have some people claim the regime was behind it.
Khomeini basically IS a Clown via spiritual leadership of Fada'iyan-e Islam. That group was created by Navvab Safavi who was tight with Muslim Brotherhood, which was created by UK SIS with Egyptian Nazis and later handed off to OSS.
Shahs were changed like underwear for the first half of the 20th century. Basically all of it was done over BP's (APOC/AIOC/William Knox D'arcy). CIA and SIS supported Shah in '53 over Mosadeq (Mossadegh), who nationalized the oil in '51 (after being put in power by the actions of Fada'iyan-e Islam). That was US Operation Ajax (UK operation Boot)
Then CIA w/SAVAK likely saved Khomeini from execution ordered by the Shah in '63 or '64. They "supported" the Shah while fomenting unrest, student protests, etc with 100s or 1000s of Clowns and/or assets in Iran + 1000s more with FBI help in the US.
New leader of Fada'iyan Islam, Sadegh Khalkhali claimed Rockefeller and Kissinger helped the Shah get set up when he left Iran and offered to swap prisoners for him.
After the Shah died, his son Reza Pahlavi was rumored to have CIA backing on a possible plan to restore him to the throne. Someone (Clowns) helped him interrupt a TV broadcast in Iran when he was in his 20's and he told the people he would return.
So now I'm supposed to believe the people of Iran just organically decided they want their monarchy back? I'll bet money it was started by paid shills. Fucking Clowns are sneaky bastards.
Iranian anons need to be informed of this and think twice before resurrecting the Pahlavi Dynasty.
And some Wikipedia too. Might have missed some been digging for like 2 days. Most is C_A reading room stuff.