Tabasco sauce!
Thanks Almond
World Wide Gold Star Researchers, Not 04:00 here fren
It's not hidden because the message is the spread through the media networks every day (about 4:00am NY Time).
What is hidden is who is writing the "Directive"
Who is making the "Talking Point" Decision
Who Decides the "Message"
Thats who we need to discover, the controller.
Want a fun ride?
Research the BBC. Who "owns" the BBC, who controls its "narrative". MI6, SIS, The Circus?
Why does the British public pay a "tax" for an international organization that is extremely profitable.
I always get a kick out of explaining to Americans how influential the BBC and its network is globally.
We know the Circus was involved with the fake dossier, we know they wanted Hillary to win. Who is in control of the circus?
Watch BBC when you can, the bias is so deep it is confrontational.
When Stephen Sackur invites someone from Q team to an interview on "Hard Talk", Q has won!