I think something is coming too. I think Q was waiting for the movement to truly go mainstream. Once that happened, it triggered a new phase. I would call this phase the "look weak"/disinfo phase. A phase for the sole purpose of appearing weak when the hammer is preparing to fall. It's a typical Art of the Deal tactic.
With the numerous post by Q in the last few days, the anons are spread thin and EXHAUSTED. The MSM/DS must think we are all nuts chasing necklaces and swimming pools and tall kanky blurry dudes. I mean seriously, I'm a dedicated Qfag since December and even I felt crazy…
When the parade cancellation news dropped, I knew that was a signal. POTUS and the Q team HAD to know that news would devastate us. But what better way to APPEAR weak and defeated than to have the millions of Q followers exhibit a global sigh of disappointment. The emotion is REAL, but so is the FIGHT. Remember that PSYOP tactics are involved here. If the anons feel defeated over the parade cancellation, imagine what the DS is feeling…. JUST THE OPPOSITE. The disinfo is WORKING. Let it run the course.
(fistbump) from a milfag