Anons may see this as a message of hope that the work we do to cleanse our nation will succeed. I have had my own confirmation that this war between good and evil goes beyond this 3D world. We are helped from the other side. And sometimes those helping on the other side are us.
>Where is the video?
Could he have meant "Death of a Nation"? It's out, and it's been quite the hit with those who have seen it.
Especially when they tell us what not to read. We need to be free to discern for ourselves.
I liked it. Interesting that I saw it the day before I came to where I am. I used a bit of the info to red-pill people here.
I think you meant that for someone else. I said no such thing.
Speaking of which, hooligans torched Sweden, and the legal system just wants to talk with the parents of the perpetrators? What happened to Sweden? This isn't kindergarten.
I sometimes wonder if CA can be saved. Or have we come to the time where, like Lot, we must flee it?
Seismic activity is increasing. It is thought by some that current fires were started by such. They're going to shake, rattle, and roll. Interesting that this was mentioned in that video I posted on this thread.
Not sure if the dead trees were the result of drought or poisoned chemtrailing. Could be both.
Yes. I miss doing night shift at night. But I'm needed here right now. Meanwhile, I don't have the means to update my own site from here. I want to go home!
Only if you're seeing it from the side. I don't see wings.
I don't rule out ETs.
Look up Eddie Page. You may find his case interesting.
I sometimes think they are floating on a morality left over from a time when church attendance was mandatory.
I'd kind of like to know. I've seen a lot of 777 and 7777 since I got here.
Thank you for that. This makes more sense than what is in the KJV, definitely.
A molten "core" between inner and outer surface? I don't know. I go more with the honeycomb theory,
But now that Dutchsinse is telling us his methods of predicting earthquakes around the world, perhaps there is something in his theories that can help answer what REALLY is in the center of the earth. He believes the center of the earth is plasma. He says science thinks that there's a molten core due to the way magnetics behave, but he says plasma can behave similarly.
I agree. Forgiveness is more for the victim. And it does not preclude proper justice.
Over the years, when I saw what was happening, I often thought that if we didn't clean things up, others would come over and do it. I'm glad we're doing it now.
My understanding is that it's both. Yes, the government has craft that they weren't talking about. But ETs are up there, too. So we need to discern whose craft we're dealing with.
It is love to defend another.
Agreed. I don't think we truly have a way of knowing what is that deep in our earth. It's all theory.