Ras- is a Russian prefix that is used like dis- in Latin. Dismantle. Destroy. Discombobulate. Disorder. Discord.
The prefix is a cognate of the English word RAZOR.
Think of a sharp blade that you SLASH with. Let me draw you a picture of one:
See that?
Now that you have the idea of what RAS- does to a root word, let's analyze PUTIN.
PUT is a Russian root cognate with the English word PATH. And it means the same. Both a literal path, and figuratively as in a path through life.
The suffix -IN has been borrowed from Finnic and Turkic languages. It roughly means OF but in Russian it is mostly used with names, and words intended to describe a person who is associated with a place.
LITVA is the Russian name of Lithuania, and LITVIN means a Lithuanian man.
GRUZIYA is the Russian name of Georgia in the Caucasus and GRUZIN is a Georgian man.
So PUTIN simply means a MAN OF THE PATH.
Now you can see how that could be used literally for some guy whose house it not in the village, but beside the path to the river or to the forest or wherever. And it could also be used figuratively to describe a man whose behavior and character are ON THE PATH, or ON TRACK. Think of Jesus saying I am The WAY.
So Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN is THE WAY for Russia. God's way.
And Rasputin?
Well remember what RAS- means.
Rasputin was the guy who steered Russia off the path and into satanic trials and tribulations. Eventually the people WOKE UP in Russia's Great Awakening, they swept aside the Communists just like BOOM on a sailboat SWEEPS THE DECKS when it swings wildly.
So Russia is now back on path. And they are no more of an enemy than the sports team from across town, or across the state, or across the country. Because without the other team to compete with, your team would get fat and lazy and eventually wither and die. So be thankful for Russia because they have played a very big role in saving the US Republic, just by being there, and by being patient with all the shenanigans in DC. You can be friends with your competitors. You may even learn something that helps you to compete even better.