Anonymous ID: 1e45ef Aug. 17, 2018, 3:03 a.m. No.2641830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1855 >>1872


But some of us figured that out when we saw MSM reports of the arrests.


The news apparently didn't make it to here in the bubble of people weren't able to connect the dots.


The "I Want It All & Want It Now" crowd doesn't understand how the outside world functions.


Probably had trouble with their parents too

Anonymous ID: 1e45ef Aug. 17, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.2641899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1910 >>1934 >>1935 >>2049


There is no legal way, other that a Convention of the States.


That would be a waste of time.


Hard reset is the only thing that always works but at a very high price


This isn't 1775 and "we the people" is a nice slogan but count how many would stand up and actually fight.


5% maybe, while the rest would set back and let someone else do it for them - the salve mindset.


For all the big talkers I see here I would expect <1% because it would have to be a coordinated effect and the social skills here are lacking for a "team effort"


Research, digging and theories would not be useful and that's all some have to offer,


I'll take my chances in the Boomers, bikers and good ole boys, and recent military types.


The rest would just be liabilities