Anonymous ID: 893a46 Aug. 17, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.2642070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087


OK we don't mind timeline changes but we need some carrots here.

We have deferred gratification time and time again, because that is what we do as intelligent conservatives.

BUT, as intelligent conservatives we believe:

Promises are promises

If you break a promise there needs to be a good reason.

There should be an explanation.

That's all.

Not concernfagging. Just expecting a basic tenet of Christianity to be held - a promise is to be kept. If you can't keep it, don't promise it.


God bless

Anonymous ID: 893a46 Aug. 17, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.2642198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2256


Fair enough.

Although the argument that 11/11 could be disinfo means that we can't use 11/11 as a definitive marker that will reveal the cabal for once and for all.

I have been here since day 1. If I'm asking about the date change then there are many others.

I realise that there are many laying their lives on the line. We are not, but MI, USMC, SS, Seals etc are. They need our tweets and memes and gabs to support them and I will keep doing it, but our strength depends not just on unity but on validity.

If we make empty claims, our validity wanes.

And yes you can GTFO me all you want but it won't solve any problems or help the movement.

We are on the same side.