Anonymous ID: 924f1b Aug. 17, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.2641893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2506



So the UK had ordered a number of the Avro Arrow planes.

They literally took hammers & wrecking balls to destroy these planes.

The NORAD Agreement was signed in August of 1957 which effectively ended the Arrow.

Lockheed had just started testing a top secret spy plane.


In August 1957, the Diefenbaker government signed the North American Air Defense (NORAD) Agreement with the United States, making Canada a partner with the American air defence command and control system. The USAF was in the process of completely automating their air defence system with the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) project, and offered Canada the opportunity to share this sensitive information for the overall air defence of North America. One aspect of the SAGE system was control of nuclear-tipped BOMARC anti-aircraft missiles. This led to studies on basing BOMARCs in Canada in order to push the intercept line further north. The planned deployment was found to be extremely costly. In 1958, the new Minister of National Defence (MND), George Pearkes, reported that:28The introduction of SAGE in Canada will cost in the neighbourhood of $107 million. Further improvements are required in the radar… NORAD has also recommended the introduction of the Bomarc missile… will be a further commitment of $164 million… All these commitments coming at this particular time… will tend to increase our defence budget by as much as 25 to 30%