Anonymous ID: bec4ff Aug. 17, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.2642305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2307 >>2312 >>2317

Anons, we thought we were finally done with Strzok. But now comes this:




"On August 13, Strzok set up a GoFundMe account, soliciting donations for his “legal costs” and to compensate for “his lost income.” In just one day, he’s received $365,515 of his goal of $500,000 from allegedly 9,483 people."


Seriously? I don't know shit about how Gofundme works, is there any way to trace WHO these generous donors really are?


Btw this article is a repost, it was originally posted on a brand-new blog, on the WordPress platform–and WordPress shut the blog down immediately. They didn't want us to read it.


We ran into this same thing recently, anons: Automattic (the parent company of WordPress) shut down Fellowship of the Minds with no explanation. Anyone else seeing a trend here?