Spitballing here. Who knows, I might think the very opposite of this theory if I was asked for my thoughts after lunch.
Think the white-hats understood for many years, many, what the destructive forces had been doing. bho absolutely gutting military and top-brass, security leaks (Extortion 17), Awan and a comped Congress and Hillary selling out the country to the highest bidder (Uranium One), to name just a few. Over the course of roughly two years the Chinese executed or arrested almost our entire spy network. Some 20 agents is what they allow the papers to disclose, could be much larger. Was this because every IC worldwide had access to our Sec of State's unsecured private bathroom server? At present the c_a is claiming it was a mole, and guess what, they found CP on his computer, so they arrested him for that! Vault 7 etc., details the ability to frame in just that fashion. Guessing the white-hats weren't thrilled with shipping guns through the c_a Libyan annex via amb stephens / hillary and brennan to support isis and overthrow m. gadaffi (sic?). They saw Hillary cover-up a scandal involving an amb in Europe who would ditch his detail and pick up minors in a park. Hill and state covered Silsby/Haiti. CF engaged in pay-to-play with anyone and everyone, friend and foe alike.
The white-hats understood the country couldn't survive another round. America was down for the count, and the fight almost over!
With that understanding, ES was 'groomed' years ago to be a plant w/booze-ham and then it was planned he would transfer to nsa. There the white-hats were fully aware what Clown JB and Co., had been developing…later 'stolen' and published with WL as vault 7 et al. These tools were being created, I'm sure, to help cause a FF and blame NK or Russia. Thinking Hillary would certainly win, they would have had their war.
After being published by WL they entered the public domain, and though once classified, we're now an open secret. This is perhaps the answer as to how to legally introduce evidence. In my mind it took ES - WL for disclosure to happen. It also put the cabal on notice that white-hats, worldwide in various IC, knew their tricks and what to keep an eye out for regarding cabal/c_a tomfoolery.
This also frightened the black-hats, the 7th floor, top DOJ (LL), because they understood their attempted coup could (and was) be discovered and their previous steps already recorded. The attempted coup a secondary insurance plan should Hilary fall ill before the election or, and though they didn't believe it was possible, lose in November. In an attempt to cover their tracks, too late tough, they continued to dig their hole. Fake TT meeting, bogus Strozk interview with Flynn THE VERY DAY AFTER THE FBI PUBLICLY EXONERATED HIM!
Flynn's case will unravel, and papadopolis' (sic?) wife is now making the rounds arguing he should withdraw his guilty plea. Neutering Brennan was huge, and a much needed first step. We still haven't heard from John Huber. Misrepresentations on the FISA apps to FISC are slowly being revealed. Each day they grow more desperate and weaker, and we become stronger. They know they are fucked.
Putin /ourguy
Assange (safe) /ourguy
Snowden (safe) /ourguy
A great movie perfectly [executed] by great actors.