Bo Menkiti, founder and CEO of Menkiti is also on the Board of Directors of City First Bank.
>Bo Menkiti, a Director since 2011 is currently a member of the Directors’ Loan Committee. Bo Menkiti is the Founder and CEO of The Menkiti Group, a real estate company dedicated to transforming lives and communities through real estate. The Menkiti Group is focused on strengthening neighborhoods through the strategic development, management, and disposition of real estate in urban markets.
Why are these people always involved in "urban housing" or private/public projects? Fleecing the taxpayer.
Remember when Obama's administration was using "green initiative" programs to give lucrative deals to his buddies?
>Today, the District of Columbia’s Department of Energy and Environment’s (DOEE) Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (DC PACE) announced $400,000 worth of PACE financing for The Menkiti Group, located at 3401 8th Street NE in the Brookland neighborhood.
Remember when Obama was pushing "mixed income" communities where people were forced to take section 8?
>Menkiti said more of a focus needs to be placed on creating mixed-income communities, rather than clustering low-income residents away from market-rate properties. His vision of a thriving city includes diverse neighborhoods with a mix of income levels, something he said is difficult to create under existing policies.