Anonymous ID: 7be2cf Aug. 17, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.2643552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2643070 3336

Nothing definite other than the following. (TROUT had me reminiscing about the days of mIRC).


ISI connected Pakistani thieves, spies, drug runners, hired by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz without background investigation. How and why did they recieve top level clearence? They were pushed by the Democratic Party and numerous Hillary toddies.


Ashraf Awan’s business partner in the land deal, Rashid Minhas, told TheDCNF that the elder Awan gave a USB to a Pakistani senator who is a former head of a Pakistani intelligence agency, and that Imran claimed his IT position in Congress gave him the power to “change the U.S. president.” Minhas is in prison for an unrelated fraud charge.


Back to the previous article


Strict security measures were in place outside the Federal Judicial Complex in Islamabad, where the accountability court is situated. Police officials, the elite force, and Rangers were deployed outside the building. 


Sounds like they meant business...while a Captain in the Army, no reference has been seen as to what he did. But if he,Safdar, was Intel and he was a politician, then are these mere coincidences that also combined with someone with a last name Awan also has reference to immediate family stricken, makes one wonder who he is related to.

Anonymous ID: 7be2cf Aug. 17, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.2643692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3897

>>2643070 3336



The severance of the aid in between the Kings ultimatum and then what appears to be a thawing of their relations.


Another qincidence.


Like someone told me once, if you're asked a question, most of the time the person asking already knows the answer


Awans statement that he could (paraphrasing) change the presidency appears like a lot more people were in one this. Think Brennan meeting with the Pakistan Army Chief of staff an anon linked to a number of breads back.


Again, just like Hannigang and Brennan, why a Foreign Military head meting with Brennan?