Anonymous ID: ee8f99 Aug. 17, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.2644042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patriots Soapbox

tabloid behavior


the current hour mouthpiece just got done telling its entire audience the New Mexico Terror compound is being bulldozed


he is reading a conservative treehouse article

the embedded video and twitter is NBC

there is ZERO bulldozing

15 minutes of internet ZERO bulldozing


i do not like TABLOID BEHAVIOR

sauce or GTFO


no knee jerk reactions here, dont waste my post my wasting posts with silly replied simply about how shitty PA soapbaox blah blah,

im autist and fren

i have respect for our craft


so prove me wrong and then its spoopy all around

or prove them wrong and put them on notice