Anonymous ID: 2dee4a Aug. 17, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.2644576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632


I am in EDT

I don't have a twatter, so it shows in PDT

pretty sure those are PDT too anon (pic related)

like having EDT for graphics


Tucker and everyone else was wrong, then changed the goal posts

TP doesn't have immunity, his case is being handled by the SDNY like Cohen

Anonymous ID: 2dee4a Aug. 17, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.2644679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4691 >>4777


made this during the mason digs:



  1. George Washington (Freemason AND Rosicrucian)

  2. Thomas Jefferson (Rosicrucian)

  3. James Monroe

  4. Andrew Jackson

  5. James Polk

  6. James Buchanan

  7. Abraham Lincoln (Rosicrucian)

  8. Andrew Johnson

  9. Ulysses Grant (Odd Fellows)

  10. Rutherford Hayes (Odd Fellows)

  11. James Garfield

  12. William McKinley (Freemason AND Odd Fellows)

  13. Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason AND Bohemian Club)

  14. William Taft (Freemason AND Skull and Bones)

  15. Warren Harding (Freemason, Order of the Elks, and Odd Fellows)

  16. Calvin Coolidge (Bohemian Club)

  17. Herbert Hoover (Bohemian Club)

  18. Franklin Roosevelt (Freemason, Order of the Elks, and Odd Fellows)

  19. Harry Truman (Freemason, Order of the Elks, and Odd Fellows)

  20. Dwight Eisenhower (Bohemian Club)

  21. John F Kennedy (Order of the Elks)

  22. Lyndon Johnson (says never completed degrees)

  23. Richard Nixon (Order of Red Friars)

  24. Gerald Ford (Freemason, BIlderberg, AND Bohemian Club)

  25. Jimmy Carter (Trilateral Commission)

  26. Ronald Reagan (Bohemian Club AND William F. Buckley, Jr.)

  27. George HW Bush (Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Knights of Malta, AND Bohemian Club)

  28. Bill Clinton (Knights of Malta AND Bilderberg Group)

  29. George W Bush (Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, AND Trilateral Commission)