Anonymous ID: 5cb47c Aug. 17, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.2644696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4903


If anyone is wondering why people call Pizzagate a conspiracy theory (besides cover), it's because they called crimes against children Pizzagate, making it sound retarded right out of the gate. Most people shrug it off the second they hear the name.

Anything gate sounds retarded and cliche.

We should just call things what they are, baby fucking cannibals.

Pizza, and assuming that anyone commenting on pizza is a baby fucking cannibal is STUPID.

I am going to order a pizza right now because everyone should love pizza. Pizza is food.


This is what needs to be done with baby fucking cannibals. Pic

Yes I approve of certain forms of violence.

(and fuck off if you don't)