Anonymous ID: 002277 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2645588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Human History - Future Proves Past

Anons that are interested in digging further.


Why do they not teach more than a few sentences about the Sumerians. (This is not going to go all "Because Aliens") What do we not know yet about this people. We know that their society created the wheel, and irrigation/sewer systems. The sailboat. That they had vast trade routes. Beer. All predating the next great kingdoms. That there was a strong connection to the sky and astrology. Potential link to Mayan-Proto-Egypt-India. But we also know their civilization was met with disaster. Their irrigation methods brought salt up from below and they literally salted their own earth. Forgotten because of Babylon?


We know that a form of God came out of a potentially pretentious upper class Judean populace that were forced out of their prestigious lifestyle into the lower classes of Babylon. They were a idolatrous people just like that of Babylon and the many flavors of the Sun/Nimrod worshiping Mother/Son deities of the polytheistic populations of Rome/Greece/Egypt/Babylon when Nimrods body was "scattered". Their pretentious ways created their own self-fulfilling prophecy in an apocrypha to treat Babylon as both a tyrant but also as a cleansing of their sins. They turned from their old ways, but this religion then fell to decay as well…


Jesus came and taught the Jews that they did not need 10 commandments just two. Honor God aka goodness/order/truth. Love they neighbor as thyself. His teaching were counter to the upper class religious leaders that regained control. And for that they had him murdered.


These people use symbolism that they do not understand. It is pointless to directly attack the "church" as like all religions it is a means of control. Just remember the teaching of Jesus and of Western Values. To honor ORDER/GOODNESS/TRUTH and Love each other as you would yourself. Catholicism still has value just like each of the protestant flavors have value. They are all based on these two teachings.


What we MUST fight are the pretentious upper class, like that of the Babylonian Judeans who viewed themselves better than other men. Also Nimrod is forgotten, lost to the winds of time blowing down the last wall of Babylon. His name removed from history. Yes he lived on in other forms, but the man forever lost to time.


So I ask you anons, to dig into the histories of Proto-Egypt and India. Sumeria, Babylon (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia). And Early and modern Judeism. Find the connections and try to advance your own perceptions of what it is to be human. In the end, we must accept only Good, Order, and Truth and Love each other. This is what it is to be human.