Anonymous ID: 3ee96d Aug. 17, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.2645003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5076 >>5164


Any comics in particular? I always felt comics might be one form of entertainment that isn't "evil" simply because the readership isn't there. A "best selling" comic these days is 300,000K and that's for a mega event book. A typical monthly consistent best seller is more like 100,000k. That's not many people to control or influence, seems like it wouldn't be worth the time.


But then Disney bought Marvel, Warner Bros owns DC and those are larger entities filled with bad shit. Then the Marvel movies got popular and I wonder if the movies are chosen to push ideas and hope that doesn't trickle into said books.


But I'd love to hear what books you've researched and made these connections to.