Anonymous ID: a633e1 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.2645495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5593 >>5624 >>5664 >>5665

If you are in the weeds or overwhelmed, don't quit. Rest.


The choice of good or evil is the same for every person. That is the root of our equality. That is why Freedom matters. Not to make the space for evil but to be able to expose it. Exposing evil in all it's forms and ugliness is necessary for people to grasp that choice. Truth matters in becoming informed. Without truth there can be no justice. Without justice what is the point of the law? Justice is about restoration and balance. The law exists externally to protect people from transgressions by those without self discipline or a moral compass. It's about right and wrong not legal semantics.For some the law is written on their hearts. For others it's all a game. Sadly,the ones who have no moral compass have corrupted and weaponized that system for their own ends. This is about exposing the evil so there can be justice.

Meanwhile, suggestion: take time to be mindful of (really feel) the immense beauty that does exist in every day. Do something that makes you smile and brings you peace today. Breathe deeply. You make a difference.We are what we think about. We all have something to offer and something to learn here. What are you thankful for? I am thankful for all of you who made the choice to face the ugliness on behalf of others and to bring the findings to the rest of us. I am thankful for those that went before me and kept the torch lighted. I am thankful for memes and popcorn and comfy bread. I am most thankful for those who defend our freedom.

Please pardon me for the interruption.