Anonymous ID: cf0b03 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.2645097   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5137 >>5573 >>5582

Is anyone surprised by this POS!?!


Report: Weekly Standard Founder Bill Kristol Caught Up in Spygate Scandal and Linked to Peter Strzok

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Bill Kristol, from the Weekly Standard, went from a leading conservative voice and Obama critic to a Trump hater who worked with Obama to derail the Trump Campaign.

Kristol fell so far that he started pushing the Trump – Russia dossier at the same time as John Brennan and the Obama team.

Kristol went from leading conservative voice to being the leader of the anti-Trump “conservative” movement in a matter of a few years.


Kristol and The Weekly Standard published articles smearing The Gateway Pundit for supporting the Republican Presidential candidate.

Now we know that Kristol’s fall was worse than we thought.

Anonymous ID: cf0b03 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2645277   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5324 >>5326

China Buckles, Sends Trade Delegation to Washington to Seek End of Trade War

China and the U.S. are set to resume trade talks for the first time since June.

A meeting between the two countries, which would be between lower-level officials than earlier talks, would mark a breach in the standoff that has arisen since talks broke down in the spring. U.S. officials have repeatedly said they were open to new talks but insisted that China had walked away rather than offer serious reform.


It still is not clear if China’s delegation will carry with it a reform offer serious enough to stave off the Trump administration’s threat of former tariffs. The U.S. side will be lead by Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs David Malpass.


China is sending a trade envoy to Washington in a renewed effort to end a worsening tariff dispute that has raised worries it will chilal global economic growth.