Anonymous ID: d60c80 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.2645076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091 >>5096 >>5181 >>5253



>Any comics in particular?


Not enough time! Kek.

How about something small.

Since I've painfully and repeatedly drilled it into people's head's that EM = @Ironman.

What if I told you… Captain America, Steven Rogers?

Was really Adm. Michael Rogers.

And there's been a civil war taking place.

Right under the public's nose.


Brainwashed tool?

Sounds an awful lot like a Winter Solider to me.

Kek @Snowden Winter.

Winter is coming!

(A glorious winter this is by the way).

… Though he's not REALLY best friends with Cap.

Dough, get the bread right Disney.

You evil bastards!

You didn't even put the Silver Surfer in the next installment.

>Dream to reality.

>You are watching a movie.

>GOOD wins.

Anonymous ID: d60c80 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.2645232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5245 >>5484



>Actually fitting. Kinda weird.


I thought there were no coincidences!

Kinda makes me think of project looking glass.

It's the one equation I keep coming back to.

What if… things really were known ahead of time?

What if certain texts were actually a game plan vs. a historical record?

It's just a thought.

Keep an open mind!

I never believe anything fully.

Stay fluid like water!




I have made MANY mistakes on here.

Retracing my steps…

All I can do is be thankful.

Forgiveness Anon.

Forgiveness is a superpower.

Q has forgiveness.

I'm no Stranger to Fool Cards.

>Doctor(s) treating. - Q




What if project mockingbird… found it's way into comic books?


>What!? You fool! That couldn't be true. You read it in a comic book!?




This is the Strangest thing you might ever hear.

It might sound foolish… ridiculous… insane!


There are countless roles unrevealed.

You're ALL superheroes.

You REALLY are.

You just don't know it yet..




>Quick question, why are we shitting on Elon Musk today? Seems pretty staged.


I called him a douschebag at the beginning of Infinity War, for a reason.

But… forgiveness is a superpower.

I troll him too much…

Anonymous ID: d60c80 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.2645288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5396 >>5475



>You get no forgiveness. You had one chance and you did not take it. The only thing that awaits you is obliteration by the Lord.


Oh this is the tippiest tippity tip top laughiest kek of the day.

If there IS an infinite all creator…

I believe there would be forgiveness.

(You) get to go back.

>Dormammu… I've come to bargain…




What if I told you…

Black Panther was a race war psyop?

>The more unrealistic it all becomes…